Xeni Jardin’s Warblogging Panel At Etech 2003

Here is complete audio and video footage of the Warblogging panel at Etech 2003.
This panel was hosted by Boing Boing’s Xeni Jardin and included: Doc Searls, Dan Gillmor, Technorati’s David Sifry and BBC News Producer and warblogger Stuart Hughes calling in from England
There’s web-sized video in two parts and three parts, and MP3s of the audio in three parts.
This was easily one of the week’s most riveting panels.
In Two Parts (larger file sizes):
Warblogging Panel At Etech 2003 – Part 1 of 2 (Small – 54 MB)
Warblogging Panel At Etech 2003 – Part 2 of 2 (Small – 60 MB)
In Three Parts:
Warblogging Panel At Etech 2003 – Part 1 of 3 (Small – 32 MB)
Warblogging Panel At Etech 2003 – Part 2 of 3 (Small – 43 MB)
Warblogging Panel At Etech 2003 – Part 3 of 3 (Small – 39 MB)
Audio – Warblogging Panel At Etech 2003 – Part 1 of 3 (MP3 – 21 MB)
Audio – Warblogging Panel At Etech 2003 – Part 2 of 3 (MP3 – 26 MB)
Audio – Warblogging Panel At Etech 2003 – Part 3 of 3 (MP3 – 23 MB)
Descriptions go with the photo directly below them.
Xeni Jardin

Stuart Hughes (from England via Telephone)

Crowd Shot (Jesse, Steve Jensen – middle, Kevin Burton – far right)

Stuart Hughes (from England via Telephone)

Doc Searls (left), Dan Gillmor

Doc Searls

Crowd shot. (Robert Kaye and Joey deVilla in the middle there.)

Pensive Xeni

Happy Xeni

David Sifry

Public Domain Dedication

This work is dedicated to the
Public Domain. (Take it and run, baby!)

9 thoughts on “Xeni Jardin’s Warblogging Panel At Etech 2003

  1. Your Guess Is As Good As Mine

    On The Boing-Boing Road

    The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. — General George Patton The following is an IRC log of audience reaction to a keynote on vacuum robots at…

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