Why Vote Yes On Prop K?

How I’m voting this Tuesday

This footage is from October 31, 2003.
I took advantage of having access to Tom Ammiano in person Friday to ask him about the other propositions on the ballot. What he said makes sense to me. I hope it will be helpful to you in making your decisions about tomorrow’s elections.
Video clip – Why Yes On Prop K (1 MB)
Tom Ammiano Says:
“Let’s see, Prop K. That’s a little bump in your sales tax that you’ve been paying for the past 20 years. If you’ve been around long enough. And it really has been helpful to the Muni, to ladder(?) crosswalks, more traffic signs, traffic calming, bicycle paths. You name it. If it deals with transportation, Prop K will take care of it. So I would really urge a strong vote for Prop K.”

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