Why Vote Yes On Prop D?

How I’m voting this Tuesday

This footage is from October 31, 2003.
I took advantage of having access to Tom Ammiano in person Friday to ask him about the other propositions on the ballot. What he said makes sense to me. I hope it will be helpful to you in making your decisions about tomorrow’s elections.
Video clip – Why YES On Prop d (2 MB)
Lisa: “What about D? Something about a small business commission?”
Tom: “Eh. You know, it takes the commission that now exists and makes it a charter commission, and people who are involved in small business feel that it would give them more status and a little more juice. I think the jury is out about whether or not that could happen, because a lot of times things are just very decorous. But perhaps it could work, and I’m not against small businesses so, ya know, fine.”

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