We’re Taking Iraq And We’re Keeping It — Any Questions?

In case you were wondering, “yes” the Shrub’s Administration has thrown diplomacy completely out the window.
U.S. Says Will Not Cede Control of Iraq to U.N.

“We didn’t take on this huge burden with our coalition partners not to be able to have a significant dominating control over how it unfolds in the future,” Powell told a House of Representatives subcommittee.
“We would not support … essentially handing everything over to the U.N. for someone designated by the U.N. to suddenly become in charge of this whole operation,” he added.
“We have picked on a greater obligation — to make sure there is a functioning Iraqi government that is supported by the coalition, the center of gravity remaining with the coalition, military and civilian,” he said.
Powell said the United Nations should, however, have a role in a post-Saddam Iraq, if only because it makes it easier for other countries to contribute to reconstruction costs…
The coalition is the Bush administration’s term for the United States, Britain and the other minor contributors to the invasion of Iraq they launched last week.
The question of the U.N. role has come to the fore in the last few days because of debates in New York on the terms for releasing Iraqi oil money to pay for humanitarian relief.

Here is the full text of the article in case the link goes bad:
U.S. Says Will Not Cede Control of Iraq to U.N.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States will not cede control of Iraq (news – web sites) to the United Nations (news – web sites) if and when it overthrows President Saddam Hussein (news – web sites), Secretary of State Colin Powell (news – web sites) said on Wednesday.
“We didn’t take on this huge burden with our coalition partners not to be able to have a significant dominating control over how it unfolds in the future,” Powell told a House of Representatives subcommittee.
“We would not support … essentially handing everything over to the U.N. for someone designated by the U.N. to suddenly become in charge of this whole operation,” he added.
“We have picked on a greater obligation — to make sure there is a functioning Iraqi government that is supported by the coalition, the center of gravity remaining with the coalition, military and civilian,” he said.
Powell said the United Nations should, however, have a role in a post-Saddam Iraq, if only because it makes it easier for other countries to contribute to reconstruction costs.
“If we ask these nations to go get funds from their parliaments, it makes it a lot easier for them to get those funds and contribute those funds to the reconstruction effort … if it has an international standing,” he said.
The coalition is the Bush administration’s term for the United States, Britain and the other minor contributors to the invasion of Iraq they launched last week.
The question of the U.N. role has come to the fore in the last few days because of debates in New York on the terms for releasing Iraqi oil money to pay for humanitarian relief.
The problem is expected to loom even larger if the United States takes control in Baghdad and then starts managing the Iraqi oil industry or seeking funds for reconstruction.
Washington will argue that as the victor it has the right to manage the transition to an Iraqi civilian government. Its opponents will say that the invasion was illegal and that the United Nations cannot endorse it retroactively.
Powell was speaking to the Commerce, Justice, State and Judiciary subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee.

One thought on “We’re Taking Iraq And We’re Keeping It — Any Questions?

  1. vegasman

    The new message, We will invade and conquer but you pay the bill. I used to think Colin Powell was the only smart one in that administration. Hurry up 2004. Anybody but Bush.

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