Video Of San Francisco’s January 18, 2003 Anti-War March

Here’s a little montage of shots from the march itself, which went on from 11 am until after I left around 3-ish.
Bart trains weren’t even allowed to stop at Embarcadero Bart by 11:30 am because there were so many people in the area. There was just nowhere to put these people. (I had to get off at Montgomery. I’m sure they started letting people back off there eventually. And we were told they added 60 extra trains.)
I’m telling you there were people pouring in from every street connected to Market and people pouring up out of the Bart Stations for hours on end.
It was bad craziness at its finest. And what a happy peaceful and well-behaved crowd. Most of the cops were sitting down or standing around staying out of the way unless people came up to them to ask questions. It seemed like they were around to make the store owners feel better more than anything else — because there were so many people.
Anyway, you get the message. Check it out for yourself.

SF Peace March
(Hi-res – 27 MB)

SF Peace March
(Med-res – 21 MB)

SF Peace March
(Lo-res – 12 MB)

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