Video and Audio Of Samina Faheem At Friday’s Protest

This footage is from the protest in front of the INS building that took place from noon to 1pm at 444 Washington Street in San Francisco on June 13, 2003.
Speaker: Samina Faheem
Organization: American Muslim Alliance, Pakistan American Democratic Front
Samina Faheem in San Francisco (Small – 16 MB)
Audio – Samina Faheem in San Francisco (MP3 – 6 MB)

Samina Faheem, American Muslim Alliance, Pakistan American Democratic Front

(Excerpt) Today we are here to protest the deportation of 13,000 detainees due to the special INS registration…Since 911, Muslims, Arabs, and South Asians have been suffering the backlash and have lost almost all of their civil liberties and constitutional rights. We have been defending our loyalites and patriotism to America. Even though we are law abiding citizens — hard working citizens of the U.S., we have been labeled as terrorists.

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One thought on “Video and Audio Of Samina Faheem At Friday’s Protest

  1. bern de galvez

    A crock. Why on earth would “law abiding citizens — hard working citizens of the U.S.” oppose upholding the law? Why would anybody protest the deportation of law-breaking non-citizens?

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