Video and Audio Of Father Louie Vitale At The INS Mass Deportation Protest

This footage is from the protest in front of the INS building that took place from noon to 1pm at 444 Washington Street in San Francisco on June 13, 2003.
Speaker: Father Louie Vitale
Organization: Franciscian School Of Theology, St. Boniface Church in San Francisco
Father Louis Vitale, O.F.M. is a Lecturer in Spirituality and Practice of Nonviolence at the Franciscian School Of Theology. He is also a Pastor of St. Boniface Church in San Francisco.
Father Louie ended up serving some time in a Federal Prison in Georgia for committing acts of civil disobedience while protesting the School of the Americas (a U.S. terrorist training camp whose graduates are known for committing human rights violations).
Father Louie Vitale in San Francisco (Small – 24 MB)
Audio – Father Louie Vitale in San Francisco (MP3 – 7 MB)

Father Louie Vitale, Pastor of St. Boniface Church

(Excerpt) I just want to say to those of you who are from maybe my background — a Judeo-Christian tradition — If you want to honor the scriptures we have that talk about loving your neighbor and bearing one another’s burdens, then we better get off our duffs and do something, or put away our bibles and forget it.
We have to be outraged! And we have to get out and show our rage in non-violent and peaceful ways, and put a stop to this terrible, terrible racism that’s going on and the abuse and oppression that destroying families and simply destroying lives.

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One thought on “Video and Audio Of Father Louie Vitale At The INS Mass Deportation Protest

  1. Father Louie / St Boniface San Francisco

    Dear Father Louie:
    Just a friendly hello from florida. I am at college right now, waiting for my Calc exam. Studying till wee hours of am.
    Tell Shelly hello for me, I miss you all.
    Plan to fly to SFO in July 04, hope to see you as well.
    Then return to Tampa.
    Tell everyone at the shelter I said hello.
    I sent them cards for the holidays, but no reply (except) Shelly.
    I hope you remember me.
    My July visit will tell me alot about kindness!!
    God Bless: Denver Sassoon

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