To Impeach Or Not To Impeach…

Tempting….but perhaps ultimately distracting more than anything else…
Meeting Assembled By Conyers Mulls Seeking Bush’s Impeachment Over Iraq

Here is the full text of the article in case the link goes bad:
Meeting Assembled By Conyers Mulls Seeking Bush’s Impeachment Over Iraq
Thu Mar 13 2003 10:30:03 ET
House Judiciary ranking member John Conyers (D-Mich.) assembled more than two-dozen prominent liberal attorneys and legal scholars on Tuesday to mull over articles of impeachment drafted against President Bush by activists seeking to block military action against Saddam Hussein. ROLL CALL is reporting on Thursday.
The two-hour session, which featured former attorney general-turned-activist Ramsey Clark, took place in the downtown office of a prominent Washington tort lawyer. Participants said Conyers, who hosted the meeting, was the only Member of Congress to attend. ‘We had a pretty frank discussion about putting in a bill of impeachment against President Bush,’ said Francis Boyle, an Illinois law professor who has been working on the impeachment language with Clark.

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