Throwing Our Civil Liberties Out In Order To Protect Us?

Hey everybody, let’s not go willy nilly and throw out all our civil liberties while fighting our new unseen enemy!

Two important documents published recently from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU):
ACLU: Congress Should Resist Urge To Quickly Rewrite Wiretap Laws and
ACLU Urges Congress to Follow Deliberative Process As It Considers
New Measures After Terrorist Attacks

“Attorney General Ashcroft today asked Congress to adopt and send to the
President by the end of the week legislation that would include many
provisions to expand federal law enforcement authority in ways that
would infringe on civil liberties without any public showing that they
will make us safer. Last week, the Senate adopted new wiretapping measures
in the middle of the night with little to no debate.”

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