This Is A Blogmapper Test

Here I am, almost ready to post the first batch of Foo Movies, and now I’ve gone and gotten sidetracked on Blogmapper, a tool for generating code to specify the latitude and longitude of a geographical location so you can include your coordinates within blog entries. I don’t know if I’m doing this right. But I suspect I’ll find out soon.

(Update 10/14/03: Aha! I forgot to include the necessary JavaScript. Testing again now…)

I’ve embedded this code in this entry:

<span style="display:none" xmlns:geo="">


Just added this link for a test:

This is a test

4 thoughts on “This Is A Blogmapper Test

  1. Scott Johnson

    Are you doing this to encode only 1 geourl per entry or multiple ? I.e. is the range of the span the text you are discussing or just the post itself?

  2. Scott Johnson

    Are you doing this to encode only 1 geourl per entry or multiple ? I.e. is the range of the span the text you are discussing or just the post itself?

  3. Richard Soderberg

    You can use this xmlns: feature on pretty much any HTML tag, with varying degrees of success. I like the idea of tagging individual posts with it geo-tags. If you want to tag images, you can do it like so:
    <img xmlns:geo=”” geo:lat=”44″ geo:long=”-127″ src=”foo.gif”>
    Cheers to geo information, glad to see it showing up in more places.

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