The Scoop On Mike Hawash’s Hearing

I’ll be finding out more details about this later today.
For now, here are the docs on what happened yesterday.
I have to update my mirror of this site…

At about 4pm on Monday April 7, Federal Judge George Jones released the following document, ordering Mike Hawash’s detention for a further 3 weeks. Needless to say, we are very disappointed, confused, and angry. We hope to post an analysis and explanation of the order soon, for those of you who find the legal language too arcane. For now we post simply the document.

7 thoughts on “The Scoop On Mike Hawash’s Hearing

  1. Rush

    Make sure your “explanation” of the order is the unbiased truth and not your usual leftist liberal exaggeration of it, since we know the analysis will be.
    Additionally, make sure to mention “in the interest of national security” aspect, which of course you also do not understand.

  2. Publius

    As the judge points out in his order, Hawash’s detention was never a secret. He is being held under a statute that has been on the books in its present form for nearly 20 years, and has been around a long time in other forms. He is being held in solitary BY CHOICE. He has lawyers and his family is allowed to visit him. Hmm, sounds like due process to me.
    Hawash’s detention was not random. Those charged with fighting the war on terror have a very good reason for doing what they are doing.
    Now if you want to talk about a perversion of justice, let’s talk about the use of the RICO statutes to suppress anti-abortion activity. Or how about HUD levying fines on folks for protesting their decisions. Yep, the left is all for democracy, free speech and due process–until you disagree with them.

  3. Publius

    As the judge points out in his order, Hawash’s detention was never a secret. He is being held under a statute that has been on the books in its present form for nearly 20 years, and has been around a long time in other forms. He is being held in solitary BY CHOICE. He has lawyers and his family is allowed to visit him. Hmm, sounds like due process to me.
    Hawash’s detention was not random. Those charged with fighting the war on terror have a very good reason for doing what they are doing.
    Now if you want to talk about a perversion of justice, let’s talk about the use of the RICO statutes to suppress anti-abortion activity. Or how about HUD levying fines on folks for protesting their decisions. Yep, the left is all for democracy, free speech and due process–until you disagree with them.

  4. Publius

    As the judge points out in his order, Hawash’s detention was never a secret. He is being held under a statute that has been on the books in its present form for nearly 20 years, and has been around a long time in other forms. He is being held in solitary BY CHOICE. He has lawyers and his family is allowed to visit him. Hmm, sounds like due process to me.
    Hawash’s detention was not random. Those charged with fighting the war on terror have a very good reason for doing what they are doing.
    Now if you want to talk about a perversion of justice, let’s talk about the use of the RICO statutes to suppress anti-abortion activity. Or how about HUD levying fines on folks for protesting their decisions. Yep, the left is all for democracy, free speech and due process–until you disagree with them.

  5. Publius

    As the judge points out in his order, Hawash’s detention was never a secret. He is being held under a statute that has been on the books in its present form for nearly 20 years, and has been around a long time in other forms. He is being held in solitary BY CHOICE. He has lawyers and his family is allowed to visit him. Hmm, sounds like due process to me. It’s certainly more due process than 3000 people in the WTC got before their executions at the hands of people Hawash probably supports.
    Hawash’s detention was not random. Those charged with fighting the war on terror have a very good reason for doing what they are doing.
    Now if you want to talk about a perversion of justice, let’s talk about the use of the RICO statutes to suppress anti-abortion activity. Or how about HUD levying fines on folks for protesting their decisions. Yep, the left is all for democracy, free speech and due process–until you disagree with them.

  6. Publius

    Sorry. Please delete all but the last post. It seems I shouldn’t have kept clicking when nothing happened.
    On with the debate!

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