The Daily Show: No Apologies Coming From The Shrub About Inaccurate WMD Evidence

This piece provides a brilliant wrap up of this last week’s events – From the Shrub’s “Bring them on” episode, to Tommy Franks’ resignation and the Shrub’s skirting the issue of inaccuracies in his State Of The Union Address (in his own words).
This is from last night’s show – July 10, 2003.
Daily Show On Shrub’s WMD Self-Defense (Small – 10 MB)

The Daily Show
(The best news on television.)

8 thoughts on “The Daily Show: No Apologies Coming From The Shrub About Inaccurate WMD Evidence

  1. Elayne Riggs

    Hey Lisa, are you going to acquire a .mov file of Jon Stewart being interviewed by Bill Moyers on Now last Friday? You’re my prime Stewart source, Lisa, don’t let me down on this one! 🙂

  2. Kenny

    Hey I’ve been trying to find a clip from the Daily Show that features clips of democratic hopefuls including Hoaward Dean. I think it may have been some kind of debate, but at the end of the bit, Jon Stewart showcases a bunch of goofy smiles displayed by Howard Dean and someone else.

  3. Kenny

    Hey I’ve been trying to find a clip from the Daily Show that features clips of democratic hopefuls including Hoaward Dean. I think it may have been some kind of debate, but at the end of the bit, Jon Stewart showcases a bunch of goofy smiles displayed by Howard Dean and someone else.

  4. Amy

    Hi there,
    I’m searching for Stewart’s War on Iraq special and/or his 9-11 episode. Anyone know how I can get my hands on a copy?

  5. Amy

    Hi there,
    I’m searching for Stewart’s War on Iraq special and/or his 9-11 episode. Anyone know how I can get my hands on a copy?

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