Switching Everything Over To Another Server

In case you haven’t noticed, my entire server went down (again) this last week (this time for a different reason than the usual reason).
No worries though. I’m moving my entire archive to another server with a bigger pipe for easier distribution. Everything should be moved over in a few days.
After the move, I’m going to really need your help looking for bad links. So please, when I give the word (after a big global replace in Movable Type), go to your favorite categories and verify that all of the videos are linked OK.
I’m also very interested in working with others to create some kind of P2P distribution network that might take some of the load off of the server to begin with. It is my hope to be reaching thousands upon thousands over the next few months leading up to this year’s presidential election — when distribution of these materials will be more important than ever to help educate voters about the issues affecting their lives.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
After the move my archive should be “bigger, stronger, faster…”
–That kind of thing 🙂
Sorry for the hold ups. I know how important access to this material is for many of you. It should be smoother sailing from this point on.

4 thoughts on “Switching Everything Over To Another Server

  1. ac

    Freecache is a good suggestion. Another option (and they’re not exclusive of one another) is to provide the clips as BitTorrents. Only your geeky readers will use this method, but it’s an innovative P2P approach… check it out at <http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/&gt;

  2. brian w

    I second the recommendation for BitTorrent. It’s available for every conceivable platform and very robust. I don’t think it’s only for “geeky” readers, though. It’s very easy to install even for Windows users — it has a simple browser plugin, so those who are less tech-savvy won’t even really have to get their hands dirty. The guy from waxy.org uses it to distribute videos and files, and he’s pretty much an expert after being a large part of the “Star Wars kid” download frenzy a few months ago (remember, the kid who videotaped himself having a light saber battle?).

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