Still working out the kinks of the information structure for my Second Life data

Ok so some of you may have noticed that there’s a Second Life A-Z Index kicking around, but I’ve been kind of hedging on its existence because it wasn’t until late yesterday that I figured out how the indexes are going to best fit together.
So basically, I still need this external document, but it will still link, for the most part, back to blog posts *of indexes* of things. Like the one I just put up for “Places to Go Practice with Objects.”
(Note just saying hi to the two or three people on the planet that this level of detail is of interest to.
You rule. The four of us should get together some time. Now back to the rest of the world 🙂
Now where was I? Ahem. Yes, so anyway. I think I’ve figured it out and that’s why I’ve been dinking around on announcing it. I’ve been sneaking links to it into old posts, so I don’t forget to do that later. But it really didn’t feel like anything worth announcing until it had some meat on its bones. (And I’ve got a freezer full!) (no offense to you veggies! I have um. tofu in the freezer too!)
So now I’ve had a nice sleep, where I remember having a nice dream about my new information architecture, and “how interesting…this *does* seem to fit in there” and, “why yes, I wondered about that too, and I just happen to have a little list of how to fix that right over he-are.”
And then I awoke, because it was just a dream. And I, of course, won’t know for a week or two if mine’s even going to work. But it will be fun trying.
Me parachuting in Second Life