![]() Photo by Mike Kash | Dorothy Fadiman has produced a new documentary, called Stealing America, that is based largely on a lot of the information that I put together in the Electon 2004 Aftermath category category of my blog. |
I’ll send you a copy of the DVD if you like, just send me an email with your mailing address.
Update and clarification 10/20/06 – I’m not dubbing copies of Dorothy’s movie and giving them away. I earned 100 copies as payment for some archiving I did for the film. Part of our agreement was that I could have 100 copies. I’m choosing to send you one of these 100 copies if you “act now” 🙂
I’ll also be breaking it up into smaller clips and making it available online later this week.
If anyone can help me make it available in other formats, when I make it available soon, please let me know. It would be very much appreciated.
There’s a showing at the Grand Lake Theatre in Oakland, CA this Wednesday, October 4th, featuring Marc Crispin Miller, at 7pm.
There are a couple of other screenings scheduled in Northern California in October, but you can get a copy of the DVD and have a screening or throw a screening party in your town.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the upcoming election and how it seems like the repubs could just use the electronic voting machines and other tactics, like not putting enough machines in democratic precincts, to take over the election again.
To my knowledge, all of the systems that were in place in 2004 remain in place now.
Perhaps if films like Stealing America are seen by voters before this year’s election, they will know to report it to the proper authorities if they notice any funny business going on this time.