Speakers For Today’s Rally

Speakers have been announced for today’s rally!

Rally from 11-1pm in San Francisco to Protest the Special Registrations

Where:444 WASHINGTON (at the corner of Washington and Sansome), Downtown San
Press conference at 1:30 pm featuring:
Yuri Kochiyama, Human Rights Activist
Cecil Williams, Glide Memorial Church
Renee Saucedo, La Raza Centro Legal
Tom Ammiano, San Francisco Board of Supervisors
Linda Sherif, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, SF
Marc Van Der Hout, National Lawyers’ Guild
Hatem Bazian from the Islamic Society of San Francisco
Khalil Khaid, SEIU 1877
Kawal Ulanday, Filipinos for Affirmative Action
Others, as confirmed

For more information please call the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, San Francisco Chapter at 415-861-7444 or Not in Our Name 510-444-NION

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