Sorry I Haven’t Been Posting Much

I’m in the midst of “school hell” right about now 🙂
A few little items going up today. Hoping to catch up on Daily Show clips over the weekend.
Just a heads up — in case you were wondering what the deal was 🙂

5 thoughts on “Sorry I Haven’t Been Posting Much

  1. Cari

    Me too — but college students know how this week goes… Good luck!! Soon it will all be over and you’ll have time to post, and I’ll have time to read, and the screen won’t be blurring in and out anymore…

  2. Cari

    Me too — but college students know how this week goes… Good luck!! Soon it will all be over and you’ll have time to post, and I’ll have time to read, and the screen won’t be blurring in and out anymore…

  3. Joseph Lankford

    Hello, Ms. Rein.
    I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your Web site.
    Especially the Daily Show clips.
    Good luck at school.
    P.S. It makes me feel good knowing that there are still some intelligent people of good will living in these United States…

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