Shrub, Rove Spoke To DeLay Before He Allegedly Misused A Federal Agency

This entry goes with this earlier post.
I don’t even want to get my hopes up on this one. But we’re supposed to believe that DeLay spoke to the Shrub and Karl Rove about “redistricting in general” and did not discuss in any way the situation that was going on at the time about redistricting in Texas. I don’t see how we could ever prove it one way or the other, unless there are tapes of the conversations or something. Otherwise it’s just heresay — as juicy as that heresay might be 🙂
Details Sought on Bush Role in Texas Dispute
By Mike Allen for the Washington Post.

A Democratic leader asked yesterday for details of communication by President Bush and his senior adviser, Karl Rove, with House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) about a partisan Texas dispute that absorbed federal resources.
Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (Conn.), ranking Democrat on the Governmental Affairs Committee and a presidential candidate, said White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. told him by telephone Tuesday that DeLay spoke with Bush and Rove about the matter.
The issue is politically sensitive because the Department of Homeland Security has acknowledged assisting law enforcement officers who were asked by Republicans to round up Democrats who had fled the state to avoid voting on a redistricting plan championed by DeLay. The plan died when a deadline passed without a quorum.
An FBI agent also helped in the search, but the bureau said it did not act at the behest of politicians. The Federal Aviation Administration gave aircraft-tracking information to DeLay’s staff, and his staff sought advice from the Justice Department.
A White House official said Bush and Rove spoke to DeLay before the departure of the Democratic legislators. The official said Bush spoke to DeLay “briefly and in passing” and that Rove and DeLay discussed “redistricting in Texas generally.”
Another White House official confirmed Lieberman’s conversation with Card. “The summary speaks for itself,” spokeswoman Jeanie Mamo said. “The Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Transportation are looking into this matter.”
A Lieberman source said Card was “vague” in his description.
A senior administration official said DeLay’s conversation with Bush “likely” occurred in conjunction with a 45-minute meeting he held April 30 with Republican leaders of the House and the Senate to discuss the tax cut and other legislation. The exodus by Democrats began on May 12…
DeLay has said he and his staff made no overture to the Department of Homeland Security, and noted that the FAA information was publicly available.

Here is the full text of the entire article in case the link goes bad:
Details Sought on Bush Role in Texas Dispute
By Mike Allen
Washington Post
Sunday 08 June 8 2003
A Democratic leader asked yesterday for details of communication by President Bush and his senior adviser, Karl Rove, with House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) about a partisan Texas dispute that absorbed federal resources.
Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (Conn.), ranking Democrat on the Governmental Affairs Committee and a presidential candidate, said White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. told him by telephone Tuesday that DeLay spoke with Bush and Rove about the matter.
The issue is politically sensitive because the Department of Homeland Security has acknowledged assisting law enforcement officers who were asked by Republicans to round up Democrats who had fled the state to avoid voting on a redistricting plan championed by DeLay. The plan died when a deadline passed without a quorum.
An FBI agent also helped in the search, but the bureau said it did not act at the behest of politicians. The Federal Aviation Administration gave aircraft-tracking information to DeLay’s staff, and his staff sought advice from the Justice Department.
A White House official said Bush and Rove spoke to DeLay before the departure of the Democratic legislators. The official said Bush spoke to DeLay “briefly and in passing” and that Rove and DeLay discussed “redistricting in Texas generally.”
Another White House official confirmed Lieberman’s conversation with Card. “The summary speaks for itself,” spokeswoman Jeanie Mamo said. “The Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Transportation are looking into this matter.”
A Lieberman source said Card was “vague” in his description.
A senior administration official said DeLay’s conversation with Bush “likely” occurred in conjunction with a 45-minute meeting he held April 30 with Republican leaders of the House and the Senate to discuss the tax cut and other legislation. The exodus by Democrats began on May 12.
DeLay told reporters at a briefing on May 13 that, as he walked out of a Republican leadership meeting with Bush the previous week, he had told the president he thought the Texas redistricting plan would pass. The administration official did not know when the conversation with Rove occurred.
DeLay has said he and his staff made no overture to the Department of Homeland Security, and noted that the FAA information was publicly available.
A Lieberman aide said the senator sent a letter to Card yesterday asking for more details. Lieberman said in his letter that Card told him that neither Bush nor Rove “contacted any federal agencies about the missing legislators” as a result of a conversation with DeLay. Lieberman said he was told that Card “had asked others at the White House about this matter and found no inappropriate action had been taken.”
The letter quoted Card as saying that he did not intend to respond in writing to a request Lieberman made on May 27 for information about White House involvement.
“In a matter of this significance, where questions have been raised about whether scarce homeland security resources were misused for political purposes, the public should not be forced to rely on private reassurances,” Lieberman said.
Lieberman’s letter asked for a written description of White House involvement, including “any contacts and actions, even those you do not believe to be inappropriate.”

7 thoughts on “Shrub, Rove Spoke To DeLay Before He Allegedly Misused A Federal Agency

  1. Leroy

    It looks to be politics more than anything for Joe (like starting then dropping ENRON), but what the heck… get an investigation going. The meeting was twelve days before the Dems fled Texas, so proving clairovoyence will be tough. While they’re at it, might as well investigate the Dems and the legality of what they did to the electoral process in Texas, and the stealing of the redistricting map from Delay’s desk.

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