Should PayPal be proud of

Should PayPal be proud of
their recently successful IPO or ashamed of themselved for messing with
the little guy in the process?

Whatever the situation, it’s bad enough that someone felt strong enough to start a PayPal Sucks website.

Okay, I’m ripping off BoingBoing pretty bad today…but what can I say? 🙂
(Thanks, Cory.)

Quote below from Blogger‘s own Evhead (the aforementioned “little guy“).

As of today, PayPal has lost Pyra/Blogger’s business. We’re still using them at the moment (and don’t let this stop you from sending us money ;), but will be transitioning off as soon as we can. The reason is this: Over a week ago, they put a restriction on our account, which means we can’t withdraw or send money, though we can still take it. The supposed reason for the restriction was because they found there were more than the allowed two accounts (one personal, one business) with my contact information. Never mind that two of the accounts were setup for testing purposes and never used. Never mind that they didn’t first bother to email and tell me that this is a problem and could I close some of them. (Or, wait, maybe they shouldn’t have allowed me to create them in the first place?) And never mind even that, although all these accounts have been open for months, they happen to not put on the restriction until we attempted to withdraw several thousand dollars into our bank account

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