5 thoughts on “Senator John McCain On The Daily Show

  1. Phildo

    Hi Lisa,
    Just happened accross your blog looking for a Daily Show clip about the spammer they had on recently. Thought I’d drop a note a say I really like your content. 8^)
    Take care,
    You must use a lot of bandwidth. 8^)

  2. verplanck colvin

    Thank you so much Lisa! Since I lost my cable, and the torrent sites are spotty at best. You are a great source to get my daily show fix. Thanks again.

  3. lars

    greets from germany. i haven’t been on your site for quite a while.
    now that i’m back here, i’m happy to see that not every american is in favour of your administration. in the last weeks i wondered (as a non-american) how wide-spread is the opposition to the actions of bush-chaney-rumsfeld-wolfowitz&co.
    i’d really like to know. please send mail or write here. it’s hard to tell, when you’re in germany, but i’m beginning to loose my faith in the american people.
    i opposed the war from the beginning, but now it’s getting really ugly, and i’d like to know your impression on how the people in your country (and by that i don’t mean the left-wing folks only) feel about the latest development.
    i’d be happy to read some impressions on how american
    people react to the latest news.

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