Senate Republican Leader Trent Lott Is A Racist And Proud Of It

Pretty big accusation, huh? Here’s my proof:

“What I want to tell you…Ladies and Gentlemen…That there’s not enough troops in the Army…to force the southern people to break down segregation and admit the nigger race into our theatres, into our swimming pools, into our homes and into our churches.”
— Strom Thurman, 1948.
“When Strom Thurman ran for president, we voted for him! We’re proud of it! And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn’t have had all of these problems over all of these years either.”
— Trent Lott, December, 2002.
“If we had elected this man 30 years ago, we wouldn’t be in the mess we are today.”
— Trent Lott, 1980.

Strom Thurman, Racist. Trent Lott, Thurman Supporter
(Right mouse click and “save” to download and play the file off of your hard drive.)
Another history lesson, courtesy of the most excellent Daily Show!
Strom Thurman in 1948:

Trent Lott in 1980:

4 thoughts on “Senate Republican Leader Trent Lott Is A Racist And Proud Of It

  1. Doc

    Let’s examine all the senators. Some of the very Repubs attacking Lott have used the word “nigger” on more than one occasion. And let’s not forget about Sen. Byrd from Virginia. Mississippi is a favorite whipping boy for the media. I lived in North Carolina for 10 years and thank God every day that I escaped. Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond—100 years of service for a conservative white constituency and a combined 100 years of hatred towards any policies that might benefit blacks. No one really ever called them to task……….As a Mississippian I find Lott’s comments stupid,embarassing and improper. He will probably have to step down and this will affect our state in ways some people haven’t even thought of(economic). But we will recover because this is the home of some of the strongest people on earth–black, white or purple.

  2. j.

    Wow, i thought that racism had evoled into big time wrestling or something. I Did not know it was still around? Though i am offended at things they say, you kind of have to laugh. I wonder their views on our president, and how they stand on invading iraq. peace. j.

  3. dave

    My question is, where was the 2 weeks of media coverage on this incident? Or, are Democrats allowed to be racist. Get over yourselves. Sen. Lott, Sen. Dodd, and every elected official regaurdless of party affiliation are simply human. So is the media, which explains the bias.
    From the washington times.
    Sen. Dodd accused of making racist comment
    WASHINGTON, April 7 (UPI) — A mini-scandal has erupted in Congress as some Senate Republicans question whether comments made by Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., were racist.
    In a speech on the Senate floor last Thursday marking Sen. Robert Byrd’s 17,000th vote in the body, Dodd said the West Virginia Democrat, member of the Ku Klux Klan before taking office and opponent of the 1964 Civil Right Act, “would have been right during the great conflict of Civil War in this nation.”
    Dodd’s comments struck some as similar to remarks made by former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., that led to his losing the position.
    The comments were made as part of large praise of Byrd’s great service as a Senator, which Dodd said, “would have been right at anytime.”
    Lott claimed at a private party for former Sen. Strom Thurmond’s 100th birthday that if Lott’s 1948 segregationist presidential bid had succeeded, “We wouldn’t have had all these problems over all these years.”
    While some Republicans on Capitol Hill and conservative blacks pundits have ripped Dodd’s comment — in light of the Lott scandal — Democratic leaders dismissed such comparisons.

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