Saving Private Ryan Controversy

Clarification: The “I’m pissed” sentiment below is because of my technical difficulties, not over this Saving Private Ryan thing — which is interesting at best, but nothing to get too excited about. After re-reading this post, it seemed like that may have been unclear. thanks!
Oh man am I pissed. I forgot to hook up the audio on my camera when I was taping a report on MSNBC’s Countdown (yes I missed all of the election reports too because of this) — about how many of the ABC affiliates refused to air “Saving Private Ryan” last week because of its soldiers filthy mouths in light of the potential FCC fines. (That’s right, their blaming the Janet boob incident for this.)
We know the real reason these stations opted out of airing the film (the agreement with Spielberg required the film to be shown unedited in its entirety): this is one graphic film that shows the reality of war.
Anyway I wanted to at least place a note here on the subject. If anyone sees articles around about this, let me know and I’ll link to them here.