Rumsfield Continues To Insult The World

Rumsfeld’s Remarks Draw Anger in France

Rumsfeld downplayed France and Germany’s reluctance, saying he was confident that other NATO members would come together behind the United States.
“Germany has been a problem and France has been a problem … but you look at vast numbers of other countries in Europe, they’re not with France and Germany on this. They’re with the United States,” he said.
In responding to a reporter’s question about French and German qualms, Rumsfeld hinted the United States would turn to new NATO members in Eastern Europe for support.
“You’re thinking of Europe as Germany and France. I don’t,” he said. “I think that’s old Europe. If you look at the entire NATO Europe today, the center of gravity is shifting to the east and there are a lot of new members.”
Washington’s European allies are deeply divided over the possibility of war, with the French and Germans opposing any rush toward military action while the United States and Britain intensify their military buildup on Iraq’s borders.
The Bush administration accuses Iraq of stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.
Russia and China have also expressed reservations about going to war against Iraq. On Thursday, China said it supports French efforts to find a peaceful solution, underlining the challenge the United States would face if it seeks U.N. Security Council support for military action.
“We have always stood for a diplomatic and political resolution of the Iraqi issue,” said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue.

Here is the full text of the entire article in case the link goes bad:
Rumsfeld’s Remarks Draw Anger in France
January 23, 2003
PARIS Jan. 23

5 thoughts on “Rumsfield Continues To Insult The World

  1. Bobby

    Rumsfield is nothing but war mongering ,arrongant barbaric ,prehistoric cave dweller.He echoes his boss’s flagrant disregard for international law and ethical decorum.It’s a shame that a great country like America is run by incompetent buffons like Bush and members of his kangaroo cabinet

  2. Bobby

    Rumsfield is nothing but war mongering ,arrongant barbaric ,prehistoric cave dweller.He echoes his boss’s flagrant disregard for international law and ethical decorum.It’s a shame that a great country like America is run by incompetent buffons like Bush and members of his kangaroo cabinet

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