Ron Kovic’s Speech At Oct 26, 2002 Anti-War Rally in San Francisco

Here is Ron Kovic’s speech from yesterday’s Anti-War Rally in San Francisco
(as transcribed from my video footage, which I’ll be posting Monday afternoon):

This is the most important moment in American History. You are a part of an extraordinary moment in the turning of the history of this country. You will take this government back on behalf of the people of the United States.
Because we all know here, each and every one of us who have come to this place on this day know, that the truth is, this country, the power, this country belongs to the people of the United States. We are going to be represented, if we have to take democracy to the streets of every city and town across this country. They’re going to listen to us!
This is your moment. You were born to be here at this moment. You were born to take this country back on behalf of the people, on behalf of democracy, to make this nation a true, authentic democracy: “Of the people, by the people and for the people.”
And there’s an old saying: “Move on over or we’ll move on over you.” And in the days, the difficult days, and it’s going to be difficult, in the difficult days and weeks and months ahead, I encourage you to move with dignity. Move with the spirit of Martin Luther King. And as our numbers continue to grow and we begin to recognize that this is not only an anti-war movement more powerful than any anti-war movement in the history of this country, but that this is also becoming a powerful movement for peoples’ democracy in this country. When we begin to realize…
And when the leaders in Washington that are perpetrating this terrible, terrible war. The leaders, the President, those in power right now, who have in fact made targets of terror of all of us because of their policy. They are the ones who have brought on 911. It is their violence that brought the violence to our nation, and it’s their violence that we must stop and stop forever!
Never underestimate…Never underestimate who you are! Never underestimate the power of what you represent. Your beauty and your dignity. Your honesty and your integrity. You are going to change this nation. Think about it. This is your moment. Your destiny is to change this nation. Years from now many of you will be able to tell your children that we lived through an extraordinary turning point in American History. And we have the courage to step over that line with dignity, with non-violence and with great determination, and make this is a country that we can all love again and can all be proud of. Thank you so very much. Thank you!
Peace Now! Peace Now!
This is just the beginning! Thank you!

11 thoughts on “Ron Kovic’s Speech At Oct 26, 2002 Anti-War Rally in San Francisco

  1. Jack Kovic

    I’m so tired of these washed up vietnam dead heads parroting the old school anti-Vietnam crap.
    Ron Kovic, Shut the hell up!! Your pre-Sept. 11th arguments are no longer valid. Get an argument that’s less than 30 yrs old. You have to change w/the times bub…..You don’t have a moral leg to stand on…no moral underpinning of lots of dead civilians, and you can’t show picts of dead babies because AMERICA is conducting themselves in the most humane fashion possible, ….Face it, all of you old-school lefty’s are getting destroyed in every debate you have. Get a life Ron! Go away, Go and play with your suck-up friends who don’t have a real opinion… suck-ups who follow you around like mind-less puppies. Vietnam was wrong! This one is right. Ron Kovic; constantly looking for a way to get his big stupid face in the news….The past is dead dude. Get with the times.

  2. Melinda

    Ron Kovic is speaking the truth. The Vietnam war’s real agenda was greed and imperialism. “Iraqi Freedom” is a cover for the same. The issues Kovic and his “suck up friends” were facing and talking about thrity years ago are still utterly relevent, completely of the moment. Racism, the cutting of funds for education, the lack of care for vets, etc etc….all in the here and now. Wake up and open your eyes, do some reading thats not from a major media source…get your info from somewhere else besides CNN.
    Melinda Price

  3. Eddie Watson

    This guy was my true hero for years until I read this statement that our policy brought on 911. I thought he was courageous and he probably actually is, but to say that 911 was brought on by America is stupid rhetoric designed to get yourself attention. Nobody or no country deserved that. If you want to teach that war is wrong and use your own valid experiences, I can’t argue with you, because I don’t know and you do. But, to say something like that is stupid. You grew up in New York you schmuck, so did I, how can you even think that let alone say it. I knew a few people died that day and I would whup your ass for them if you said that to me. What if I said to you, “so your paralyzed, you have noone to blame but yourself.” Nobody earned or deserved what happened that day and radicalism and stupid statements like that benefit nobody. Smarten up brother

  4. Jim Bell

    A few years ago I met Ron Kovic. Ron was friendly, humble and polite. We talked about life in general. One day I was telling my young son that Ron was a hero. Ron replied that I was the hero, because I am a COP. While I don’t think that I am a hero, I think what Ron did in Viet Nam, and his outspoken stance against that war saved lives. That makes him a hero in my book.
    Too many Americans have died, in too many wars, but they died so that Ron Kovic and future Ron Kovics can speak freely. Sometimes, thats the high price of freedom.
    But for Ron to blame the President, the leaders, those in power right now, for causing 9/11 is just plain wrong. Show me the proof.
    Ron seems to infer that the previous President, previous leaders and those who were in power did something through non-violence that prevented terrorist attacks. Show me the proof.
    What occurred on that terrible day cannot be blamed on any American.
    Ron, be anti-war if you must, but don’t be anti-American. Better yet, protest the failure of the United Nations to solve just about anything.
    And like Ron Kovic, I was born on a special day in American history, the 11th of September.

  5. Tom De Jesu

    As distasteful as Mr Kovic’s statement that America’s policies have brought violence back to us may be, I feel it has the ring of truth.
    America appears very different to the rest of the world than it does to us here – as tough as it might be to admit, to many people around the world we seem very, very dangerous- not only to economies but to people themselves. We appear as a dealer in arms, an economic bully, with an omnipresent media/cinema that represents values contray to the morals of many. It doesn’t seem too far fetched to see how someone with the means might take offense and try something as horrendous as knocking down the symbols of what he saw as the American Juggernaut.
    I watched those towers fall that day, from no too far away, and while I was stunned and horrified, I cant say that when the dust cleared that I was surprised.
    As horrible as it was, it was a criminal act, by yet another spoiled rich oil kid, and in my book, it should’ve been handled as such. Instead, it became the pretext for a muddy adventure for any one of convenient reasons – terrorism, WMD, Saddam, world peace, even whispers of preserving women’s rights!, for which, as Americans we will be paying, for years to come. Keep an eye on the Republican convention in NYC – I think you’ll see them mining that Hole as busily as the Seven Dwarves. See who is really profiting from these policies- it will be very apparent.

  6. Nico

    It is sad to read such ignorant statements as the comments posted by “Jack Kovic”. “Vietnam was wrong, this one is right”, yeah right. Until you realize that more violence and direspect to international legislation such as the UN will bring more trouble, more violence and more fear to the world as a whole. For God

  7. Nico

    It is sad to read such ignorant statements as the comments posted by “Jack Kovic”. “Vietnam was wrong, this one is right”, yeah right. Until you realize that more violence and direspect to international legislation such as the UN will bring more trouble, more violence and more fear to the world as a whole. For God

  8. Nico

    It is sad to read such ignorant statements as the comments posted by “Jack Kovic”. “Vietnam was wrong, this one is right”, yeah right. Until you realize that more violence and direspect to international legislation such as the UN will bring more trouble, more violence and more fear to the world as a whole. For God

  9. seanmcc

    Eddie Watson is arguing a point that he has made up himself. Kovic never said that N.Y. deserved 911. He said that the policy decisions of the leaders had “brought it on”. The two phrases mean different things, don’t they? As this misunderstanding on your part is the supporting joist for the rest of your argument, maybe you need to rethink your views on this subject?

  10. seanmcc

    Eddie Watson is arguing a point that he has made up himself. Kovic never said that N.Y. deserved 911. He said that the policy decisions of the leaders had “brought it on”. The two phrases mean different things, don’t they? As this misunderstanding on your part is the supporting joist for the rest of your argument, maybe you need to rethink your views on this subject?

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