Republican Appropriations Committee Chair Forces GAO To Drop Its Case Against Cheney

It’s like a triple-layer conflict of interest layer cake. I don’t know what’s more exciting — finding out how much Cheney knew about Enron and/or the California Energy scam or seeing just how far he and the Republican party will go so that he can remain above the law in order to cover it up.
If there’s nothing to cover up: cough up the documents. No terrorist connection here buddy — this is domestic policy at its core. (Remember that? Domestic policy?)
Too bad the GAO couldn’t stick it out with its case. I knew it was too good to be true that it had kept the pressure on this long.
GOP threats halted GAO Cheney suit
By Peter Brand and Alexander Bolton for The Hill

Threats by Republicans to cut the General Accounting Office (GAO) budget influenced its decision to abandon a lawsuit against Vice President Dick Cheney, The Hill has learned.
Sources familiar with high-level discussions at the GAO said Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), chairman of the Appropriations Committee, met with GAO Comptroller General David Walker earlier this year and

One thought on “Republican Appropriations Committee Chair Forces GAO To Drop Its Case Against Cheney

  1. Andrew Heydt

    Dear Lisa,
    As a concerned citizen and a strong opponent of the Bush Administration,I am sick and tired of their reckless assaults on the environment. Despite numerous reports,facts and statistics from numerous members of the epa and capital hill Bush and Cheney seem to blatanly cover up everything. From weakening environmental laws and clean air standards, and opening up National forests for mining. No one can sit back anymore and let these atrocities happen at our expense. I urge everyone from lawmakers,scientists and politicians to continue to keep as much pressure on Bush and make him pay enormously for his disgraceful,heartless and pathetic behavior.

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