Report From Michael Moore’s “Protect The Vote” Video Crew

This in from Dave Pentecost of Michael Moore’s “Protect the Vote” video team in Cleveland. (I offered to host clips for them.):

I am with the Michael Moore protect the vote video team in Cleveland. I expect we will have clips of voters being challenged or sound bites after they leave the polls.
We are starting to hear about more incidents of challengers and dirty tricks and are sending crews to those locations. I’ll let you know when I’ve uploaded anything.
This is typical right now: we got a report that there were 5
challengers where they are only allowed 2, old couples being allowed
only one vote between them, cops around and telling our crews to turn
off the cameras (even though they were the proper distance). Rebecca
Perl who is organizing things called for a lawyer, he went over and
got the challengers to leave. I’ll see what gets on tape, but that’s
what we are here for – rapid response.
I shot the Michael Moore press conference this afternoon. He’s good
but you can see him on TV. I’m still looking for the clips you can’t
see elsewhere. And after the presser, the “real” media went off
trailing behind our teams, who’ve been out in the rain all day.
Just got a call that they are sending some tapes back. We’ll see what’s up.

And then later:

Looks like no video clip today. some good
anecdotal interviews. Good determined folks at the polls. Surprisingly
little conflict considering all the waiting lines. But we know how
great all Americans are!