Press Conference On The Patriot Act II Today From Noon-2pm At The Federal Building – 450 Golden Gate

Sorry for not letting you guys know about this sooner.
It’s basically another lunch time activity from 12-2pm at the intersection of Polk and Golden Gate in San Francisco. One block from the Civic Center Bart Station.
There will be a press conference and rally where you can learn more about what’s going on and show your support. These events are also excellent opportunities to speak to one of several legal experts personally if you have specific questions.
We’ve got to fight back swiftly against the travesty of justice that is the Domestic Enhancement Security Act (Patriot II). The very future of our nation, and I believe, the rest of the world, depends on it.
There will be a ton of great speakers there from the ACLU, Refuse and Resist, Amnesty International and many other groups.
Hope to see you there!
Here’s the whole message I received:

Sunday, July 6, 2003
CONTACT: Stella Richardson
415-621-2493 or Colleen at 510-288-7432
Civil Rights and Community Groups Launch Week of Action to Stop **Patriot Act II**
What: Rally to Reclaim Patriotism and Stop **Patriot Act II**
When: Monday July 7th from noon to 2 pm
Where: San Francisco Federal Building, 450 Golden Gate Avenue
Who: Bob Kearney, Associate Director of the American Civil Liberties Union; Matthew Von Saun, Amnesty International; Dave Meserve, Arcada City Council person; Allan Solomonow, American Friends Service Committee; Shahram Agahamir, fired Oakland City worker; Henry Norr, fired SF Chronicle reporter; Ladan Sobhani, Global Exchange; Samena Faheem, American Muslim Voice; Cecilia Chang, Justice for New Americans; Riva Enteen, National Lawyers Guild; Maryjane, Oakland High School student; Rev Michael Yoshi (Buena Vista Methodist Church of Alameda); Colleen Akai, Refuse & Resist!
SAN FRANCISCO ** Following Independence Day celebrations over the July 4th weekend, community organizations will launch a week of action designed to reclaim patriotism and to stop the passage of draft legislation dubbed **Patriot Act II.**
At a July 7th rally, community leaders will call on northern Californians to urge their Members of Congress to prevent the introduction and passage of the proposed **Domestic Security Enhancement Act** (Patriot Act II). They will also urge Congress to fix provisions within the original USA Patriot Act of November 2001 that needlessly erode civil liberties and rights.
Less than two years after Congress passed the USA Patriot Act, giving new, sweeping powers to the federal government to compile information on ordinary Americans, Attorney General John Ashcroft is seeking to introduce legislation that would further erode constitutional checks and balances.
The Domestic Security Enhancement Act would further enhance government powers, eliminating or weakening remaining limits on government surveillance, wiretapping, detention and prosecution.
Endorsements:ACLU, Amnesty International; American Muslims Voice; Blue Triangle Network; Global Exchange; SF Gray Panthers; Justice for New Americans; National Lawyers Guild; Tri City CAREs, Tri City Action, Refuse & Resist!; Not In Our Name; Pakistani American…

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