Photo By Alex ManessThe thought

Photo By Alex Maness

The thought police are at it again. See: The Poster Police —
A Durham student activist gets a visit
from the Secret Service
, by Jon Elliston for the Independent Online.
(Thanks John)

Then: Knock, knock … unexpected guests at
Brown’s Duke Manor apartment. Opening
door, she found a casually dressed man,
and a
man and woman in what appeared to be business attire. Her
thought, she says, was, “Are these people going to sell

But then the man in the suit introduced himself and the
woman as
agents from the Raleigh office of the U.S. Secret
Service. The other
man was an investigator from the Durham Police

“Ma’am, we’ve gotten a report that you have anti-American
the male agent said, according to Brown. Could they come
in to have
a look around?

“Do you have a warrant?” Brown asked. They did not.

not coming in my apartment,” she said. And indeed, they
outside her doorway. But they stayed a while–40 minutes,
estimates–and gave her a taste of how dissenters can
come under
scrutiny in wartime.

And all because of a poster on her wall.

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