Assange and Bradley Manning Up Both Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

Bradley Manning and Julian Assange Both Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

in Death and Taxes.

From the article:

Manning allegedly leaked diplomatic cables and video (of a 2007 Apache helicopter attack) to WikiLeaks. Manning had access to SIPRNet and the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System from his workstation in Iraq. His reason for leaking the documents? Manning wrote to former hacker Adrian Lamo, “I want people to see the truth… regardless of who they are … because without information, you cannot make informed decisions as a public.”

Assange, as founder and public face of WikiLeaks, took these documents—in addition to other diplomatic cables and documents—and published them on WikiLeaks—an act the old New York Times would have done without hesitation in the Pentagon Papers-era, but seems quite reluctant to do in the 21st century.

And while a Nobel Peace Prize nomination might not help Manning avoid prison time or get Assange released from house arrest and his legal charade, it certainly is a form of vindication for both men; many people across the world admire their principled stand.

If it had not been for WikiLeaks publishing the leaked diplomatic cables, the Arab Spring might not have been possible. The leaks were the catalyst, as Amnesty International stated, supplying the momentum in Tunisia and Egypt, for example. Even Retired U.S. Army Reserve Colonel Ann Wright, in a recent Stars & Stripes editorial, has called Wikileaks “a critically important tool for those who seek to uphold basic human-rights standards and the professional conduct of U.S. military forces.”



New “Austin Powers” (really rough experimental) version of my “Expect Us” Song


I’m recutting the whole thing Saturday, but I’m honestly looking for feedback on the song I’ve been writing as a tribute to the Wall Street Protesters and Anonymous.

Here’s a more upbeat, “Austin Powers” version that I’m leaning towards for the re-do on Saturday. It will actually be easy for me to do the acoustic hippy remix version too 🙂  And I’ll be creating an arrangement for an elementary school choir, is going to be my favorite…

Don’t worry… there will be far too many versions of this song!

Nice Commentary In Yahoo News – “‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protesters Clash with Police”

D. Benjamin Satkowiak has written a concise, extremely objective piece about the last week of events, he links straight to some of the most important videos – and he brings up the critical issue for filming police while they perform their duties in public — although sometimes on private property.

‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protesters Clash with Police

As I read this article this morning, one thing became clear to me:


You’ve got their attention. They are listening.

Pat yourself on the back people! God damn! I’m impressed.

As the article points out, this message was delivered at great expense to the participating protesters.

From the article:

‘In its second week, the “Occupy Wall Street” protests have brought forth a legitimate argument as it relates to the Federal Reserve’s role in the declining American economy. Unfortunately, it appears to have done so at a great cost to those who have voiced their opinions at the Manhattan event.

On Saturday, things turned ugly as police arrested approximately 100 demonstrators. Some of which, as numerous videos and photos from the event show, were met with extreme prejudice and blatant police brutality, furthering the demonstrator’s cases that the government and its economic arm at the Federal Reserve are delivering the nation into a tyrannical “police state.”

The Atlantic Exposes A Sneaky Cop Pepper Spraying Protesters When No One’s Looking

Cheers to The Atlantic for bringing this to light.

An Important Video to Watch: Pepper-Spray by a Cruel and Cowardly NYC Cop

From The Atlantic Article:

“He walks up; unprovoked he shoots Mace or pepper spray straight into the eyes of women held inside a police enclosure; he turns and walks away quickly (as they scream, wail, and fall to the ground clawing at their eyes) in a way familiar from hitmen in crime movies; and he discreetly reholsters his spray can.

You may have already seen this. If you haven’t, it is worth knowing about. If this is what it looks like, it is outrageous. The mayor and others should say something. And this man can certainly be identified.”


Sign the White House Petition for Obama to Recognize the Wall St Occupation Demonstrators

we petition the obama administration to:

You have to create a account (only asks for name, email, city, zipcode) – took me a minute because the stupid confirmation email doesn’t come immediately (bad whitehouse tech ouch 🙂