Video From Node Zero Art Gallery Spot Draves (a.k.a. Sp0t Schism) Opening and Interview – Part 2

(Click on picture to play movie.)

The Node Zero Gallery opening on March 13th went great!

Sheep Vortex” is an interactive art installation created by Spot and artist/SL programmer Somatika Xao.

Here’s a little video I made of the night’s events.

Teleport Now to Sheep Vortex

Music by Nine Inch Nails under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license that the whole album is released under!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Spot said he was “pleased and gratified by the experience.”

Here’s another installment from my interview with him (below).

Lisa: Now, when it sort of gets wispy for a minute, before it settles in on its next thing…

Spot: That’s a “transition.”

Lisa: What’s going on when that happens?

Spot: Well, it’s doing interpolation in this genetic space, and it uses cubic splines, so that everything stays smooth. The reason it gets maybe fuzzy or wispy is that it’s kind of like noise or dissonence, kind of, in music. It’s like, when everything is out of tune. It’s like, highly structured geometry – like triangles and squares with sharp, straight lines – would be the equivalent of like pure tones, like sin waves, or a flute. You know, the visual equivalent of a flute sound in the metphor I’m trying to give – a line or a curve or a circle.

Lisa: So is that during the interpolation phase, because it’s trying to figure out what it’s doing?

Spot: Yeah because to go from one harmony to another harmony you have to go through chaos and disharmony, because you’re going from one domain of organization to another domain of organization, and in between, you’re disorganized. So that’s the principle.

Lisa: This metaphor of virtual worlds in virtual worlds is one that comes up a lot lately. Are you saying that when somebody votes on a picture, that that information is stored somehow in this format, and then tallied up? Is that how that works? I’m trying to understand what information is expressed in the XML.

Spot: The XML controls the shapes, and the colors, and the motions. The votes don’t get stored in there. The votes get transmitted to the server, and tallied up.

Lisa: The shapes — like the way a vector-based format, like SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) works?

Spot: Nope. Are you asking about the renderer and the way the visual language works?

Lisa: Yep.

Spot: It’s based on…what you’re sort of seeing is the interference pattern between geometric transformations of the plane. So, you can imagine like, one map of the plane to a plane might be something like “rotation,” ok. That’s one transformation of a plane. Another transformation of the plane is like “scale,” “rotate” and “translate,” are the three basic linear ones. But there’s also, non-linear transformations, like you know, you can imagine “bending” or “warping” the plane. So there are a zillion transformations of the plane.

Lisa: So that’s what is expressed?

Spot: Yes. The XML is a list of transformations of the plane. And then, what the renderer does — See, in order to actually turn the genetic code, the “genotype,” into the “phenotype,” you actually have to solve the equation. Just like, the only way to find out who a child is going to turn into, you have to let them grow up. It takes time, right. So, in order to draw the image, you have to do all these iterations, and so you generate billions of particles that move according to the transformations, and then the “interference”– what you see as the particles move – the results make the pictures.

Lisa: So, particle systems are another thing that you hear a lot about in Second Life.

Spot: Right. This is like a custom particle system. One that generates so many particles, that everything you see, when you see a line here, it’s not a line, it’s particles that happened to have combined and ganged up to form a line. And so these particles are like intelligent dust, can reconfigure themselves into any of the shapes that you see, just by changing the rules that they’re all following.

Cylindrian Rutabega and ChangHigh Sisters Perfoming TODAY – Great Music and Visual Performance Art

DATE: TODAY – Saturday, March 22, 2008
TIME: 11am and 3pm SLT
Come see my pal Cylindrian Rutabega – along with the ChangHigh Sisters – performing LIVE.
I haven’t seen the ChangHigh sisters personally yet, but for those of you, like myself, who are interested in both music artists, and the latest set design and visual performance art in the Second Life space, I hear they’re pushing the envelope, and I think you’ll be interested in checking out this show.
I’ll be at the 3pm show, if you want to meet up there.
Cylindrian was very excited to be branching out a little from the traditional “music gig,” and over into a new kind of artistic realm.
Here’s a little more from the notecard from Cylindrian:
“ChangHigh Sisters will not only dance their beautiful firedances of an exotic and seductive nature, but will in the show, present the virtuals worlds first 2, 3, 6 and 7 acrobatic pyramids and will jump up in their rotating trapezes and show the harmony and elegance of an almost unseen kind ever before.”
Click on the image below for a teleport.

My Protest Pal Kevin Burton Recounts Our Crazy Adventures on March 20, 2003

My pal Kevvy writes a great post looking back on the protests of March 20, 2003.
Oh the good times! Being threatened by officers donned with clubs! Trampled by horses in broad daylight, and to a good soundtrack even!
This was one of the first flashmob protests too! Even we didn’t know where we were going until the people that had text messaging/blackberries told us 🙂
This will still always be the most frightening cilp i think. (blog entry that goes with it)
(But that’s only because I never got the horse trampling footage up.)

So what’s changed between now and then? Not a whole hell of a lot, except we’re not in the streets anymore. What the hell’s up with that? We’re spending billions of dollars a day on this fucking war, and it has all played out just like we said it would – corrupt war profiteering businesspeople and politicians have openly traded blood for oil — which was why we were protesting in the first place, but somehow, when what we said was gonna happen, happened, we got discouraged and just… I dunno… just gave up I guess. It’s pretty lame.
There was a pathetic little protest in Berkeley today, and they couldn’t even agree whose turn it was to speak — I mean they were arguing about it. And I didn’t know which was worse, that their protest was so pathetic, or that I had the nerve to call their protest pathetic, when I was even more pathetic for not having gone to a protest in years. (Years!)
And then Kevin sent me this link, and I realized that five years had gone by since I cared enough to stand up against this war, and then I realized that, over the last five years, since the war has actually started, I don’t feel like I’ve done enough, not nearly enough, to try to stop this war.
Thanks Kevin! For the Reminder! Let’s rekindle
our protest tradition soon
And please protest organizers! Let’s make sure we have good DJs and musicians for the protests ok!?
I’ll do my part to help out with that, I promise. Email me and I will hook you up with great talent – free of charge!! I know lots of great musicians/artists/djs that are ready to come together to make a difference!
That’s why this protest was so cool, for instance…

Come To My Shows At the Central Perk In El Cerrito – March 26 and April 25

I wanted to tell you quickly about two shows I have coming up at the Central Perk in El Cerrito, California. (SF Bay Area)
phone: (866) 417-5206 address: 10086 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito, CA 94530-3927
March 26 – 7-9pm
April 25 – 8-10pm
This place is a block from El Cerrito Plaza Bart, the Central Ave Exit going either direction on Highway 80 — or straight up/down San Pablo Avenue until you get to Central. It’s huge, has great food, and get this…is also an antique collectible toy shop! (Which = pure heaven for me 🙂
The April 25th show will be broadcast live into Second Life too! More on all that later!
The March 26th show is very informal show –Musicians: bring your instrument and play/sing a song or two!
The April 25th is more formal but you should still show up and play!
Both shows are a great time to meet up with people and talk and geek out! The place is huge and doesn’t turn up the sound to overpower you or anything — plus March 26th will be an un-miked intimate songwriter showcase kinda thing anyway, where I think i’m gonna do all my songs all the way thru. Like all 30 of em er something…maybe…(well there’s more… but prolly only 30 good ones 🙂
ok hope to see you there!

Cylindrian Rutabaga and Friends Tonight at the Central Perk, El Cerrito, CA

Cylindrian Rutabega — “Grace” in RL – is playing the Central Perk in El Cerrito tonight (and I’ll be hanging around with my guitar — just in case 🙂
She’s there for three hours from 7-10 pm. She has a bunch of cool friends coming by and the Central Perk is my new favorite hang out i think. (Directions below photograph.)
This would also be a great time to come by and say hi in human form. I love my new robot and avatar friends, but it is still nice to see and hug the actual carbon-based unit corresponding to the identity of the human I love, during those rare special occasions when such meetings are possible 🙂
Cylindrian Rutabaga Live Tonight!

Directions: This place is really easy to get to:
– It’s 1 block away from El Cerrito Plaza Bart, on the corner of Central Avenue and San Pablo.
– From Highway 80, coming North or South, it’s the “Central Ave.” Exit off the freeway. Then head east off the freeway for five minutes till you get to San Pablo Ave.
-From the North OR South, just take San Pablo Ave till it hits Central Ave. El Cerrito is in between Berkeley/Albany and Richmond. If you’re coming north and you hit Guitar Center, you’ve gone too far.
Going south, hit the Pete’s on the right and you’ve gone too far.
– Address: 10086 San Pablo, El Cerrito, 94530
-Phone: 866-417-5206
-See you tonight!

Real Life Party In San Francisco Tonight for Spot Draves Second Life Node Zero Gallery Opening – 6-9pm Atlas Cafe, 20th and Alabama

Wow this is really getting exciting. Seems like a lot of people are coming by tonight.
We were happy to see the opening mentioned in
Boing Boing
and Massively this week.
So… Spot decided to have a party tonight in real life to coincide with tonight’s
Second Life Art Opening
That’s right! Tonight! – Thursday, March 13 – from 6-9pm at Atlas Cafe, San Francisco.
They have good beer, wine and food there! Just come by after work.
We’ll be out in the back yard. It’s bluegrass night inside – we’ll be outside.
Spot will be there live – with his projector in tow.
Hope to see you there!

Node Zero Gallery Opening Thursday, March 13 – Live w/Spot Draves

Where: Node Zero Gallery, Second Life
Date: Thursday, March 13
Time: 6-9 pm SLT
Live Q & A w/Spot at 7pm

Teleport to the Sheep Vortex

Vortex SLURL

Teleport to the Main Node Zero Gallery

Main Gallery SLURL

Join us this Thursday evening from 6-9pm as the Node Zero Gallery takes the Second Life art experience to a new level with its latest collection of interactive exhibits from 8 emerging new artists.
(Sponsored by The Wishfarmers.)

Spot Draves (SL-Sp0t Schism), creator of the Electric Sheep Screensaver, will be there in person for a live Q and A session at 7pm.

“Sheep Vortex” is digital artist Spot Draves’ first Second Life art experience (3D Art & Design by Somatika Xiao – a.k.a. David Stumbaugh). Note: You will have to have version or later running.

(Remember to click your “play” button, and have video enabled in your “Preferences” under the “Audio & Video” tab.)

In addition to Spot’s creation, this Node Zero Collection features the work of no less than seven emerging new talents: Georg Janick, Feathers Boa, Bryn Oh, Adam Ramona, Aiyas Aya, Ub Yifu, and Crash Perfect. (Keep an eye on the Node Zero Gallery category for more interviews with the artists.)

I can’t tell you how to interact with these ones yet, or I’d be giving it all away. I’ll let the art pieces explain it to you themselves…

Sp0t Schism (Spot Draves) in the Sheep Vortex
Cory Doctorow says: “This is a distributed rendering application that grabs its users’ computers’ idle cycles to create computationally expensive, vivid and beautiful animated fractals…The result is a breathtaking, psychedelic form of artificial life whose fitness factor is the ability to tickle the aesthetics of computer geeks.”

(and about Spot’s DVD): “This isn’t just trippy wallpaper — it’s not even just art. This is garage-band artificial life. Draves is cooking up a new species made of code, decision and cooperation, and this disc is a petri dish swimming with the organisms that deserve to succeed us here on Earth. I for one welcome our new a-life masters.”

The main Node Zero Gallery is also always open.

(Note: Click on the big doors to enter the gallery after your teleport lands you in the front entrance area.)

Spot’s work is currently featured on the MOMA website and was also featured on the cover of this month’s Leonardo.

Here’s the first part of a multipart interview with Spot, where he explains some of the background and technology behind the making of these artistic marvels.

I’ll also be interviewing a few of the other featured artists over these next few days leading up to the opening — and taking you on tours through some of their interactive pieces.

Here’s a cool video of some of Spot’s older work (2006):

The Node Zero Gallery art experience is like no other, and must be experienced to be truly understood.

Some of its installations you can literally walk around inside of, bathing in the sights and sounds around you.

While, others take you on little adventures, complete with hidden treasures and puzzles for you to find, explore, and work your way through.

Teleport to the Sheep Vortex now

Vortex SLURL

Teleport to the Main Node Zero Gallery now

Main Gallery SLURL

BTW: Note that Spot and the Electric Sheep Screensaver are not affiliated in any way with the Electric Sheep Second Life development company.– Just FYI. Everybody asks 🙂

This post and all the art in it is under the same Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license, as is all of Spot‘s art.

Interview with Electric Sheep Artist Spot Draves – Part 1

Where: Node Zero Gallery, Second Life
Date: Thursday, March 13
Time: 6-9 pm SLT
Live Q & A w/Spot at 7pm

Teleport to the Sheep Vortex

Vortex SLURL

Teleport to the Main Node Zero Gallery

Main Gallery SLURL

The exhibit features Spot Draves, Georg Janick, Feathers Boa, Bryn Oh, Adam Ramona, Aiyas Aya, Ub Yifu, and Crash Perfect.
(Sponsored by The Wishfarmers.)

Keep an eye on my Node Zero Gallery Category for more interviews with artists all month long.

The interview below is the first of several parts. It took place on January 30, 2008.

Spot: I’ve been programming computers my whole life, and this is the distillation of all of that experience. So yeah, they’re not supposed to look like sheep. They’re not supposed to look like anything at all. In fact, I don’t even really control what they look like specifically, because they are created by this Internet distributed cyborg mind, and they’re created by everybody who’s watching them.

The reason they are called the “electric sheep” is because it’s the computer’s dream, and not just your computer, but like THE computer, like the gaian All computers, on the internet, connected, and all the people behind them, as one entity.

What I did was, I wrote the software, and developed the algorithm. And it’s based on a visual language, which is a space of possible forms. And then, all the computers that are running the software communicate over the internet to form a virtual supercomputer that then realizes the animations. It takes an hour per frame to render.

Now, the one in Menlo park is double the resolution and six times the bandwidth.

Lisa: This is something in RL that people can go in the physical world and see?

Spot: Yes. It’s on a flat panel with a frame around it that hangs on the wall. A 65″ plasma screen.

Lisa: Where does that live?

Spot: The company is called Willow Garage.

I designed the frame and had it built, and had it installed, and that one has some special electronics so that it shuts down when nobody is watching, to save power.

Lisa: So this running off a computer? (We are watching as he projects on to my livingroom wall.) So it’s basically a screen that’s hung on a wall that’s then attached to a computer that’s running the art?

Spot: That’s right. And that one has a terabyte database. This one is 100 gigabytes.

Lisa: So it’s always generating new art? Or is it sort of recycling through?

Spot: No. What it does is this. See, because it takes an hour to render each frame, and there are 30 frames per second and so this is far from real time. I mean, what is that, a factor of 100,000? So you can’t generate it in real time, and that’s part of the inspiration for the virtual worldwide supercomputer.

Lisa: Things the “hive mind” has already created.

Spot: Yes.

Lisa: A snapshot, if you will?

Spot: Yes, and then I edit it. Let me tell you more about the process, which is multifarious and complicated. The bottom line is that it all gets stored in a video graph, which is on the computer, and played back. It’s in 1000 pieces that play back in a non-repeating sequence. So it’s infinitely morphing, and non-repeating, but you do have refrains. So images, sheep, do come back, but then after you see a sheep, it will go and do something else.

So like, watching the video, there’s an algorithm that is running live, as you watch it. But the algorithm is like walking in a garden. Ya know, like an english garden with paths? As you walk along the path you see pretty flowers, and then you come to an intersection, and you have your choice of which path to take next. And so, more or less, if you wander at random, you will come back and walk the same path twice, and see the same thing twice, but, then you’ll go and you’ll do something different. So, that’s cool because there are some parts of the garden which are really remote, and the only way to get to them is by a certain sequence of turns, and so there are some sheep which only appear extremely infrequently, like, ya know, the rare, special ones and so, in order to see the whole thing, you’d have to watch continuously for months.

So, this one, in this 100 GB one, there are 1000 clips. If you played those clips/sheep (I’m sort of switching back and forth on what they are called), if you played them all end to end, it would be like 18 hours. So as far as a human’s concerned, it’s infinite.

Lisa: You went to Carnegie Mellon right?

Spot: Oh yeah – It really affected me. That’s Hans Morovec‘s Homeland. I was really immersed in those ideas when I was a student.

Lisa: You were a student in Artificial Intelligence there?

Spot: Well, I studied metaprogramming and the theory of programming langugages. So, what I did was I created languages for creating visual languages for doing multimedia. Basically, a special programming technique for doing multimedia processing — like real time video 3-D computer graphics, with audio, and in particular, in a feedback loop with a human being.

And so, I didn’t create a language. I created a language for creating languages, because I wanted to make it easier for everybody to create their own language. And so you’ll get these towers of languages, and it’s almost, basically like virtual reality, where you have realities within realities, where you can have languages within languages.

Lisa: And they all fit into the same architecture?

Spot: Yeah. So you can analyze these things coherently, and you can create programs which process and optimize these structures.

The genetic code is now in XML. The language, was the key innovation.

Lisa: Wow. What did you use before the XML? What else were you doing that with?

Spot: Before XML, for this genetic code, I just had some stupid text format which I made up myself.

Lisa: Ah. I see. But it was hard to do the kind of architecture you described, without having XML right?

Spot: Oh well that stuff I did more with LISP. Scheme in particular. Scheme is just a version of LISP.

Lisa: Interesting…

Spot: So the visual language is the genetic code. It’s the mapping from the genotype to the phenotype. And so each of the sheeps has virtual DNA that controls how it looks and how it moves. And everything you see is an expression in that language. And then, it’s a continuous language. It has a lot of special properties, because it was designed to be able to do this. It’s made with floating point numbers, and part of the idea behind this whole thing is that life and its existence is continuous.

To be continued…

This post and all the art in it is under the same Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license, as is all of Spot‘s art.

Jenifer Fox (Jeni Voom) – Q and A From Strengths Island in Second Life – Part 1

Saturday, March 1, launched the kickoff event for Strengths Island, a groundbreaking interactive educational Second Life environment created by The Wishfarmers, based on author Jennifer Fox‘s curriculum.

Saturday’s event featured a lively discussion between Jenifer, author of the book “Your Child’s Strengths,” and the attending teachers and educators.

Here’s a clip of the very beginning of the event that will give you a little more information about the Strengths Movement in general.

Next, we’ll go over some of Strengths Island‘s specific features.


Jenifer Fox (Jeni Voom) Explains The Strengths Movement

Transcription of Jenifer Fox in this clip:

Virtual Worlds are really something that kids are starting to get turned on to. So if we want to change kids’ lives, one of the places to begin is by going where they go, and they go here. Although they’re not on this particular island, this is really a test case for their parents, and for educators.”

“I created the Island so that educators, parents, and anyone else that wants to, can come here and figure out what their strengths are.”

“So I’ve been working with The Wishfarmers, and they’ve done a fabulous job at helping me brainstorm about ways that this island could become interactive.”

“It goes with the Strengths Movement website, where people can join up into the StrengthsNet, which is an IntroNetworks site where you’re able to connect with other people, organizations, schools, parents, college students, anyone around the world, who wants to talk about developing strengths.”

“Let me say this, that developing strengths really just isn’t about feeling good about yourself. It’s really about finding the part about you that will help you make the biggest contribution.”

“So I think that there’s a real political piece to this, in that, there are a lot of options for people, and there are a lot of things people can do and become involved in, and, once you figure out what your strengths are, then you really have a responsibility to contribute. So that’s what this movement’s about.”

Sign up for Second Life. Then come check out “Strengths Island.” (Teleport Now)