Time to just have some fun with some cool music videos I’ve been digging:
Mercy by Duffy.
Rockferry by Duffy.
I think I’m in love by Beck.
Disco Lies by Moby.
Gamma Ray by Beck.
Obama and Our New Congress Need to Stop the War NOW
I just watched this nice Blueprint for Change re-edit outlining part of Obama’s big plan for change.
Yay! Immigration reform! Yay Data Transparency! Go Team!
Ok so now that that’s all out of the way, I’d like to talk seriously about putting pressure on the new congress coming in to
end the war immediately.
I was updating the words to my anti-Iraq war song, In the Spirit this morning…
It started out with “30,000 faces disappear” – I was referring to the Iraqi civilians that were killed in our first sweep of invasions in 2003.
Well, since that time, five years have passed, and a lot more people have been killed. And I make a point to say “killed” rather than “died,” because I want it to be clear that none of these people died from anything that would have happened to them had their not been a war.
This was also the point of a report published by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, which stated:
As many as 654,965 more Iraqis may have died since hostilities began in Iraq in March 2003 than would have been expected under pre-war conditions, according to a survey conducted by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Al Mustansiriya University in Baghdad. The deaths from all causes
Congratulations Everybody!
Whew! What a relief. My favorite scenario has actually come to pass.
People voted. Votes were counted. Obama won. I look like chicken little a little. The end.
Well not quite the end, in the sense that, in my state, Proposition 8 banning same-sex marriages passed, which I think is quite unfortunate, and makes the progressive Obama victory just a little bittersweet…
It also made me change my “gay rights” category to “equal rights “civil rights” because this isn’t about the right to be gay, it’s about the right to marry whomever you wish. It’s a pretty big part of that whole “pursuit of happiness” thing, if you ask me.
Update: 11/07/08 – (And yes, I just changed again. I remembered what happened with the whole ERA thing in the 80s, and how saying “equal rights” instead of “civil rights” seems to water the concept down somehow. Being able to marry whomever you wish is a CIVIL RIGHT. Ok, now I can move on…)
But alas! Time to move forward and keep up this momentum we seem to have going.
Thanks for all your information, love and support, during these past 8 years of hell.
There were some times in there when all we knew we had was each other – over the internet.
Now we are making our presence felt in the “real” world too. Good job!
A Message From Lawrence Lessig Today: An Urgent Plea
Lawrence published this message last night from New Zealand:
Winning Tuesday: An urgent plea to Obama supporters.
I awoke in New Zealand today to an article in the New Zealand Herald,
and I had a strange sense of deja vu. It is still Monday in America.
And like the Monday before the 2004 election, and the Monday before
the 2000 election, there is enormous confidence among Democrats that
we are going to win this.
But as with 2000, and 2004, I have become a bit terrified about where
we’ll be Tuesday. For as presented by the New Zealand Herald, however
optimistic the static view of the swing states is, the dynamic view
A Little Song and Clip To Go With This Year’s Strategy
As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been thinking a lot about what we can do this time around to protect ourselves against another repeat performance of either the 2000 or 2004 elections. We were tricked both times in different subtle ways, and it is my hope that whoever might be planning to tamper with this year’s elections will realize that it’s a bad idea to do so with everyone watching.
I’ve had this little anthem (lullaby version) in my head this last week, and I thought I’d share it with you.
It’s based on some things I learned from my own archived news footage from the 2004 election about strange things going on with the actual vote count in relation to the exit polls. The Bushies tried to tell us it was the exit polls that were incorrect. But that didn’t make sense then, and it makes less sense now.
This clip is a re-edit from a clip within the documentary from Dorothy Fadiman’s Stealing America – which was released a few months ago across the country. (The movie uses a lot of footage from my and thePete‘s video archive from the 2004 election.)
(Video – 11 MB)
From Judy (to Wolf Blitzer): “Well, we’re trying to figure all this out right now Wolf. Apparently, what has happened is that the Associated Press, they were feeding numbers into us, and then suddenly, those numbers changed.”
High Res version of this video clip – 230 MB (Sorry there is no hi-res version of either song recording.)
This year, let’s stay up and watch until we know the votes have been counted correctly — which, we know from the polls, could only mean a huge win for Obama.
Here’s a sorta “traditional” version of the song:
Staying Up All Night (campfire version)
Here’s a lullaby version of it for my biggest fan 🙂
Here are the words (roughly, depending on version):
Stayin up all night
stayin up all night
and you’ll be there with me
and it’ll be alright
you can call us crazy
and we hope they’re right
until the race is called
I’m stayin up all night
Stayin up all night
Stayin up all night
and we’ll all watchin
cause we’ve seen the light
what happened last time
it just wasn’t right
until the race is called
we’ll be staying up all night
and you can call us crazy
and we hope you’re right
until the race is called
we’ll be stayin up all night
RE: Plan B
Well, if they try to tell us that Obama has lost in “another close race,” I say we demand a recount and hit the streets – Ukranian style.
So it might be a good idea to try to take Wednesday off work if you can, to:
1) rest up after being up late Tuesday night
2) be available for a protest, if we need to have one
So again – the main plan is to just watch and win 🙂 – which should be easy enough. But if the bullshit hits the fan in the middle of the night again, let’s be ready to deal with it head on Wednesday morning (Plan B) – by emailing phoning our representatives endlessly – and, hittin the streets!
Voting Irregularities Starting Already – This Year, We’re All Detectives
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Although Obama is currently WAY ahead in the polls, I remain cautiously pessimistic until the race is safely over, and I urge you to come to your polling place with a notepad and camera in hand, to take note of anything strange that may happen when you are voting. My report from December 2004 on the voting irregularities in Ohio. |
Here’s why: whoever was messing with our elections in 2000 and 2004 is still in control of them. Very little has changed between now and then in the voting accuracy and/or recount department. Everything that we learned from Ed Felten and his team at Princeton University still holds. All the dangers from not having a voter verifiable paper trail are still in place — for instance, as a protection against “vote-switching” software, which has apparently reared it’s ugly head again.
These dangers have become so widely understood, and become such a part of our American culture, that the Simpsons even parodied it for a laugh.
We’re laughing now, but are we going to be laughing when McCain somehow beats Obama, in the end, in what we’re supposed to believe is another close race?
There’s a recently-released documentary on this subject, Stealing America, by award-winning film maker Dorothy Fadiman. The film uses a great deal of my and my brother in-laws’ archived news footage from the 2004 and 2006 elections.
In the 2004 election especially, it was amazing to me how the news footage was able to illustrate the strange sequence of events that took place in the middle of the night with both the voting count and the exit poll numbers. There was evidence of the vote-switching too, although, at the time, most of it was explained away as “glitches.”
This clip from “Stealing America” interviews numerous individuals from all walks of life who had this vote switching happen to them.
Sure, the Republicans are in charge of these particular elections in Putnam county, but the point is that the Republicans, the Democrats, or anyone else that wanted to, without much effort, could hijack these voting machines and change the outcome of our elections.
As you will see in the clip from Stealing America, many of these people first blamed themselves when something odd occurred — either blamed their own lack of expertise with computers, or their own unfamiliarity with the voting process in general, and so they weren’t questioning what was happening.
Here’s a classic example of “blaming the voter” from the Charleston Gazette:
Three Putnam County voters say electronic voting machines changed their votes from Democrats to Republicans when they cast early ballots last week.
This is the second West Virginia county where voters have reported this problem. Last week, three voters in Jackson County told The Charleston Gazette their electronic vote for “Barack Obama” kept flipping to “John McCain”.
In both counties, Republicans are responsible for overseeing elections. Both county clerks said the problem is isolated.
They also blamed voters for not being more careful.
“People make mistakes more than machines,” said Jackson County Clerk Jeff Waybright.
Shelba Ketchum, a 69-year-old nurse retired from Thomas Memorial Hospital, described what happened Friday at the Putnam County Courthouse in Winfield.
“I pushed buttons and they all came up Republican,” she said. “I hit Obama and it switched to McCain. I am really concerned about that. If McCain wins, there was something wrong with the machines.
“I asked them for a printout of my votes,” Ketchum said. “But they said it was in the machine and I could not get it. I did not feel right when I left the courthouse. My son felt the same way.
“I heard from some other people they also had trouble. But no one in there knew how to fix it,” said Ketchum, who is not related to Menis Ketchum, a Democratic Supreme Court candidate.
Ketchum’s son, Chris, said he had the same problem. And Bobbi Oates of Scott Depot said her vote for incumbent Democratic Sen. John D. Rockefeller was switched to GOP opponent Jay Wolfe.
“I touched the one I wanted, Rockefeller, and the machine put a checkmark on the Republican instead,” Oates said of her experience Thursday.
She said she caught the mistake, called over a worker in the county clerk’s office and was able to correct her vote. But she worries other voters may not catch such a mistake.
This time around, we need to take the opposite approach. Pay very close attention, and report anything strange to the various groups set up to help document what took place immediately.
Another important thing to remember is not to blame yourself if something screwy happens at the polls when you go there to vote. Bring a camera, notepad, and a keen eye. And let’s stay up and make sure the votes are counted this time.
Ok guys! More to come!
Excellent Ecovillage Slide Show This Saturday Night in Berkeley, CA!
I had the great luck of sitting in on Diane Leafe Christian‘s Ecovillage slide show the other night — and the great news is that she’s giving another one right here in Berkeley, California, on Saturday night!.
Diane is the author of two groundbreaking books on the subject: Finding Community and Creating a Life Together.
If you’re intrigued about the concept of an Ecovillage, but know little or nothing about them, like me, this is a great way for you to catch up, in a big way, in about 90 minutes, with one of the formost authorities on the subject — and in a nice friendly party potluck atmosphere.
Now what could be better! 🙂
What: Ecovillages: Where They Are, What They’re Doing, Why They
DJs, Live Music, and Dancing All Day Long Today! – Wishfest In Second Life – Benefit for American Cancer Society – Fireworks at 10pm SLT
There’s an awesome all day Dancing/Live Music event going on today at Wishfest in Second Life, courtesy of The Wishfarmers!
It’s a Benefit for the American Cancer Society – with an INCREDIBLE collection of talent pooled for the occasion!
Date: TODAY! July 18, 2008
Time: 10am – 10pm SL time
Wishfest on Financial Isle
Relay Raiders present a 12 hour music event that will take place just before
the opening of the relay weekend.
There are 2 stages. A red stage that will be played by musicians and a
purple stage that will be played by DJ’s.
At 7pm DJ Dakota Christensen will take over both streams as we will remember
Stori Knopfli. This will end at 10pm and will be followed by fireworks.
This all will take place at the Wishfest Sim(Financial Isle).
That kindly has been donated for use by The Wishfarmers.
Schedule Purple Stage:
10am – 12pm: DJ Ionic (Techno/Minitech)
12pm – 2pm: DJ Jenns (Electro)
2pm – 4pm: DJ Miss Cyberpink (Electro)
4pm – 7pm: DJ Nexeus Fatale (a Variation of audio pleasure)
7pm – 10pm: DJ Dakota Christensen will take over both streams as we will
remember Stori Konpfli. 7.16/07
Schedule Red Stage:
10am – Cylindrian Rutabaga
11am – Freestar Tammas
12pm – Soundcircel Flanagan
1pm – DJ Bono (Progressive House)
2pm – Relaycast by Maximillion Kleene, Mimi Carpenter and Dolmere Talamasca
3pm – Dewran Wopat
4pm – Charles Coleman
5pm – Dolmere Talamasca
6pm – JueL Resistance
7pm – 10pm: DJ Dakota Christensen will take over both streams as we will
remember Stori Knopfli. 7.16/07
Retardead Premieres Friday in San Francisco
Hey guys, time to put good taste aside this weekend and come to the premiere of the comedy-horror flick I’m in – and I sing the theme song for – premiering this weekend in San Francisco.
I’ll be there for Friday night’s 7:30 show!
Hope to see you there!
Don’t come if you’re squeamish. Like, seriously. It’s a gross flick 🙂
Funny as hell. Arguably more funny than gross, but I won’t mince words.
Here’s the poop from the directors (Rick Popko and Dan West):
SF world premiere of “RetarDEAD,” a feature-length horror/comedy from
the creators of “Monsturd.”
The premiere will be held at San Francisco’s Victoria Theatre
Located at: 2961 16th Street (BART accessible! – 16th Street Station)
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 863-7576
Tix are $10, and advanced tix can be purchased online at:
Showtimes are:
July 11 & 12 (Friday and Saturday): 7:00 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.
July 13 (Sunday): 5:30 & 7:30 p.m.
Important: Limited edition barf bags will be handed out to the first 500 ticket
The filmmakers will be on hand to host a Q&A after each show.
The trailer and a Creative Commons MP3 of the end theme song can be
found here:
Story synopsis:
Evil has come to the Butte County Institute of Special Education, and its students will never be the same.
After surviving a ferocious battle with his own monstrous creation, Dr. Stern returns to continue his horrible research in this blood-drenched sequel to the cult hit “Monsturd.” Armed with a fatal hyper-intelligence serum, the mad doctor transforms a quiet community into an army of flesh-eating zombies.
It’s a showdown of limb-chopping, head-bursting proportions as Stern’s nemesis, F.B.I. agent Susan Hannigan, and the local sheriff’s department take on the zombie plague in the ultimate battle royale.
Wishfest 1.1 Begins Tonight at 5:30pm PST/SLT – I go on at 7:00!
Wishfest is a DIY art and music festival where anyone can show up with a stream and load it onto a stage and perform.
Somatika Xiao has re-located Wishfest to a new home on Financial Isle.
Here’s the SLURL to get there. I go on at 7:00pm SLT/PST.
Update: Nick Noir will still do a few songs at 7! So I’ll go on a little bit after him
Here’s the line up:
5:30 pm – Just Some Guy (Gary Bukowski)
6:00 pm – Cylindrian Rutabega
7:00 pm – Me
Gary Bukowski
Nick Noir at Wishfest 1.0
I’ll have a link to the stream up here soon.
Cya tonight!