NY Times: Donald Rumsfield Should Go

It’s been a long time coming on this one. I sure never thought he’d go out with *such* a bang.
But here it is — something I’ve been saying for a long time now 🙂

Donald Rumsfeld Should Go

(a ny times editorial)

The world is waiting now for a sign that President Bush understands the seriousness of what has happened. It needs to be more than his repeated statements that he is sorry the rest of the world does not “understand the true nature and heart of America.” Mr. Bush should start showing the state of his own heart by demanding the resignation of his secretary of defense.
This is far from a case of a fine cabinet official undone by the actions of a few obscure bad apples in the military police. Donald Rumsfeld has morphed, over the last two years, from a man of supreme confidence to arrogance, then to almost willful blindness. With the approval of the president, he sent American troops into a place whose nature and dangers he had apparently never bothered to examine.
We now know that no one with any power in the Defense Department had a clue about what the administration was getting the coalition forces into. Mr. Rumsfeld’s blithe confidence that he could run his war on the cheap has also seriously harmed the Army and the National Guard.

Here’s the complete text of the article in case the link goes bad:
Donald Rumsfeld Should Go
Published: May 7, 2004
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Rumsfeld, Donald H
United States Armament and Defense
Freedom and Human Rights
There was a moment about a year ago, in the days of “Mission Accomplished,” when Donald Rumsfeld looked like a brilliant tactician. American troops

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