Not Quite A Lie, Just A Little Misleading

Is it a lie if a person says what they believe to be true in their own confused mind?
Democratic Congressman Asserts Bush Would Mislead U.S. on Iraq
By John H. Cushman Jr. for the NY Times.

One of the congressmen, Representative Jim McDermott of Washington State, said today that he thought President Bush was willing “to mislead the American people” about whether the war was needed and that the administration had gone back and forth between citing supposed links between Iraq and the terrorist network Al Qaeda and Iraq’s supposed attempts to obtain weapons of mass destruction…
…Speaking of the administration, Mr. McDermott said, “I believe that sometimes they give out misinformation.” Then he added: “It would not surprise me if they came up with some information that is not provable, and they’ve shifted. First they said it was Al Qaeda, then they said it was weapons of mass destruction. Now they’re going back and saying it’s Al Qaeda again.”
When pressed for evidence about whether President Bush had lied, Mr. McDermott said, “I think the president would mislead the American people.” But he said he believed that inspections of Iraq’s weapons programs could be worked out.

Here’s the full text of the entire article in case the link goes bad:
Democratic Congressman Asserts Bush Would Mislead U.S. on Iraq

One thought on “Not Quite A Lie, Just A Little Misleading

  1. rebecca gillespie

    I may be the only Texan that is leary to say the least of President Bush’s foreign policy. I Still don’t know how this guy got elected but I do know one thing, if we don’t vote him out WW 111 is sure to happen. Hopefully, he will keep his mouth shut and let Powell do his talking otherwise I fear the future. America has never been the agressor and we are making a big mistake if we begin now. Rebecca

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