My Little Adventure In Hacktivism for February 16, 2003 – Parts 14 and 15

Part 14 – Things get too crowded and Kevin Burton and I “cheat” on the march path (and take a side street to try to make any kind of progress in the march). We then decide to get lunch and observe the crowd a few more blocks along. (There was still plenty of time to get to Civic Center in time for the speakers.)

Feb 16, 2003 Part 14 of ? (Hi-res 32 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 14 of ? (Lo-res 12 MB)

Part 15 – After lunch, we try to rejoin the main march, but it still isn’t moving. I revel at the addition of porto-potties, which weren’t at the last protest.

Feb 16, 2003 Part 15 of ? (Hi-res 17 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 15 of ? (Lo-res 13 MB)

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