My Little Adventure In Hacktivism For February 16, 2003 – Part 18

Part 18 – I try to get up towards the stage and score a press pass like last time, but it just wasn’t going to happen (That is, unless I waited around by the side of the stage for a while, and I didn’t want to risk missing Barbara Lee.)

So I decided to brave it in the main crowd 200 yards or so out from the stage.

At this point, Kevin took off — he was tired and wasn’t up for dealing with the crowd.

The crowd is really dense and hard to walk through, especially with my camera, so I give up and decide to just place my camera a top the tripod, and fold up the legs of my tripod so I can hold it squarely with both arms several feet above the crowd.

At this point I shoot the footage you see below. (That’s Tom Ammiano telling bad jokes in the background.)

Feb 16, 2003 Part 18 of ? (Hi-res 35 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 18 of ? (Lo-res 13 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 18 – (1 of 2) of ? (Lo-res 7 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 18 – (2 of 2) of ? (Lo-res 7 MB)

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