More Twitter Crap – Follow My Friends

Ok so if I haven’t mentioned it already – I’m going social networking happy.
There are a number of reasons for this sudden change in opinion of these thinggies. But I have become strangely caught up in it all as of late. Since I’m actually locating old friends etc., as a result of using these technologies, I think I’m starting to drink the koolaide a bit.
(And I was just being a crank earlier, badmouthing them all, let me tell you…As my friend Lilia can attest to 🙂
But I digress…
I actually started this post with a question for you rather than a rant about my new attitude towards social networking technologies — How do I configure this stuff?
For instance, in the post below, it only shows one of my twitters at a time, although there seems to be room for more.
Here’s another flash app I’ve pasted below. I guess I need to twitter on my Facebook page now….so here I go…