More On The Repubs Alleged Manipulation Of The System

Republicans Conspire to Steal More Elections in 2002
Jackson Thoreau

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Editorials Archive
Republicans Conspire to Steal
More Elections in 2002
by Jackson Thoreau November 1, 2002
So much political treachery by Republicans, so little time to cover and expose it all.
This column is my attempt to cover just SOME of the many instances in which Republicans are conspiring to steal more elections come Nov. 5, 2002. Here goes:
Republicans conspire with Libertarians against Democratic Sen. Cleland in Georgia
In a recent letter that sounds like it was written by a Republican, Libertarian Party National Political Director Ron Crickenberger charged that “liberals tried to steal the 2000 presidential election with their ‘Sore Loserman’ campaign in Florida. They stole control of the U.S. Senate when GOP turncoat Sen. Jeffords jumped ship, leaving Tom Daschle in charge. Now they’re fighting to keep that control… and they’re doing it ‘by any means necessary.’ Well, it’s time to fight back… using our own political tricks.”
Crickenberger, who did not say how “liberals” are fighting to keep control “by any means necessary,” bragged about the Libertarian Party helping to defeat Democratic incumbent Sen. Wyche Fowler in 1992, when Republican Paul Coverdell won in a runoff, after the Libertarians endorsed him. Crickenberger then outlined an “under the radar” scam this year to steal the votes of African-Americans who would normally vote for Democratic Sen. Max Cleland of Georgia.
“We’re going to get a sizeable percentage of black Democrats – the ones most likely to vote – to vote AGAINST the Democrat incumbent, and FOR the Libertarian candidate,” Crickenberger wrote. “These are voters who are passionate about one issue that Democrats are on the wrong side of: education choice, like vouchers and tuition tax credits

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