More Naked Peaceful Women In Australia

More naked Australian women

Naked demonstrations are becoming a regular event for Australian women.
Some 450 Australian women were recently in the news over plans to hold a naked rain dance and more recently, another group of 300 Australian women have staged a war protest in the buff on a Sydney sports field, where they spelled out “No War” with their bodies.
Anti-war nudity may be catching on: some 300 men and women also got naked for peace in Santiago, Chile, where they stripped in a public park over the weekend, and several hundred Australian men spelt out “Peace, man” with their bodies last week in NSW.
Several of the weekend’s Chilean protesters, presumably clothed, were later arrested following a march from the park to the presidential palace.

Here is the full text of the article in case the link goes bad:

3 thoughts on “More Naked Peaceful Women In Australia

  1. Better then you

    Thank God people like you weren’t in power back in the 40’s. We would all be speaking German or be dead by now.

  2. Jana and Peter

    There is going to be a 50,000 antiwar naked protest starting out by the Alamo on August 29th, 2004. Men and women are already forming that protest.

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