2 thoughts on “More Background On Dean

  1. j.a. marrit

    It’s hilarious that somebody who fancies herself a civil liberties champion thinks the government should take over the health care system.Liberty depends on limited government. However “weary” that makes you.

  2. Maria Penn-reid

    I am the wife of a physician(OB/GYN). I would like to know what the democrats plan to do about the problem with medical malpractice insurance.
    It seems to me that the democrats are no more interested in this issue than the man on the moon. What ever happen with keeping families together. This malpractice issue is not only causing patients to loose their doctors, but it is also causing families to break up due to the stress of having to leave your home state.
    I don’t see democrats doing anything to correct this problem because we all know that the trial attorneys are the ones pouring money into the democrats bucket. This is why not only am I switching parties, but many other people I know are doing the same. And, these are not just wifes of physicians. Wake up demcrats. Stop playing political games and get serious about serious issues.
    Howard Dean must not forget he was a physcian before he became a politician.
    Mrs Reid

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