Montage Of Chants From May 29, 2003 Clear Channel Protest in San Francisco

I’ve put together a montage of the different chants over the course of the evening.
Yeah, we’re a bunch of hippies. A bunch of pissed off, angry hippies. (Wanna make something of it?)
But we also represent a lot of pissed off non-hippies all across the country. We’re speaking out for “average citizens” across the U.S. everywhere.
Note that I’ve made an uncompressed AIFF file of this available for sampling purposes.
SF Chant Montage (Small – 5 MB)
SF Chant Montage (Hi-Res – 52 MB)
Audio – SF Chant Montage (MP3 – 2 MB)
Audio – SF Chant Montage (Uncompressed AIFF – 10 MB)

Public Domain Dedication

This work is dedicated to the
Public Domain. (Take it and run, baby!)

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