Michael Powell Digs His New Tivo

Holy cow! Michael Powell got a TIVO and he loves it!
Now he can understand the true joy the modern Consumer can achieve while exercising their fair use and first sale rights.
FCC’s Powell declares TiVo ‘God’s machine’
By Jim Krane for the Las Vegas Associate Press.

The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission is a new convert — to the personal digital video recorder faithful.
“My favorite product that I got for Christmas is TiVo,” FCC chairman Michael Powell said during a question and answer session at the International Consumer Electronics Show. “TiVo is God’s machine.”
If Powell’s enthusiasm for digital recordings of TV broadcasts are reflected in FCC rulings, the entertainment industry could find it difficult to push in Washington its agenda for technical restrictions on making and sharing such recordings.
Powell said he intended to use the TiVo machine to record TV shows to play on other television sets in his home, and even suggested that he might share recordings with his sister if she were to miss a favorite show.
“I’d like to move it to other TVs,” he said of his digitally recorded programming. A number of products already allow that…
Powell said the FCC was examining the broadcast flag issue to determine whether the agency has a regulatory role. He suggested that Congress might “assign us a role so we have clear jurisdiction and resources to do it.”
Powell said he understood the needs to balance consumers’ fair use rights to make personal copies of television shows with Hollywood’s fears that TiVo-like technology allows exact copies to be made and easily sent over the Internet.

Here’s the full text of the article in case the link goes bad:
FCC’s Powell declares TiVo ‘God’s machine’
JIM KRANE, AP Technology Writer Friday, January 10, 2003
(01-10) 15:02 PST LAS VEGAS (AP) —
The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission is a new convert — to the personal digital video recorder faithful.
“My favorite product that I got for Christmas is TiVo,” FCC chairman Michael Powell said during a question and answer session at the International Consumer Electronics Show. “TiVo is God’s machine.”
If Powell’s enthusiasm for digital recordings of TV broadcasts are reflected in FCC rulings, the entertainment industry could find it difficult to push in Washington its agenda for technical restrictions on making and sharing such recordings.
Powell said he intended to use the TiVo machine to record TV shows to play on other television sets in his home, and even suggested that he might share recordings with his sister if she were to miss a favorite show.
“I’d like to move it to other TVs,” he said of his digitally recorded programming. A number of products already allow that.
A TiVo competitor, SONICblue, has been sued by top motion picture studios and some television networks over a ReplayTV device that enables users to share digitally recorded shows over the Internet with a limited group of fellow ReplayTV owners.
Powell made the statements during a brief exchange with Gary Shapiro, who heads the Consumer Electronics Association, a lobbying group opposed to government-imposed restrictions on TiVo-like digital recording technology.
Shapiro was clearly delighted, calling Powell’s statement “good news” and suggesting to Powell that his regulatory authority might allow him to rule in favor of sharing recorded TV broadcasts.
“That’s up to you, actually,” Shapiro said. “We’re glad. We hope some of your colleagues in Congress buy a TiVo as well.”
Many in Hollywood have railed against the machines, saying they could cut into TV advertising revenues if fewer people watch the commercials that underwrite broadcasters’ business.
The entertainment industry has proposed “broadcast flag” technology that could thwart or limit copying or distribution of pirated broadcasts over the Internet, where, it fears, they could be sold.
Powell said the FCC was examining the broadcast flag issue to determine whether the agency has a regulatory role. He suggested that Congress might “assign us a role so we have clear jurisdiction and resources to do it.”
Powell said he understood the needs to balance consumers’ fair use rights to make personal copies of television shows with Hollywood’s fears that TiVo-like technology allows exact copies to be made and easily sent over the Internet.
Already, one upcoming TV series intends to fight back against commercial skipping technology by blending advertising into its programming, offering a seamless hour of entertainment mixed with salesmanship.
The series will air for six weeks on the WB network with Michael Davies, best-known for ABC’s “Who Wants to be a Millionaire,” as its producer, according to a story in Friday’s New York Times. Its working title is “Live from Tomorrow.”
PVR technology has now found its way into DVD recorders and personal computers. Several new standalone and PC-based models were announced here at the CES trade show this week.

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