Mandela Speaks Out On Cheney and America’s Misguided Foreign Policy

Nelson Mandela: The United
States of America is a Threat to
World Peace

In a rare interview, the South African demands that George W. Bush win United Nations support before attacking Iraq

Nelson: “…there is no doubt that the United States now feels that they are the only superpower in the world and they can do what they like. And of course we must consider the men and the women around the president. Gen. Colin Powell commanded the United States army in peacetime and in wartime during the Gulf war. He knows the disastrous effect of international tension and war, when innocent people are going to die, young men are going to die. He knows and he showed this after September 11 last year. He went around briefing the allies of the United States of America and asking for their support for the war in Afghanistan. But people like Dick Cheney

3 thoughts on “Mandela Speaks Out On Cheney and America’s Misguided Foreign Policy

  1. Yersin Pestis

    A message for Nelson Mandela God bless you. “There is a place in hell reserved for those who in the face of moral dilemma do nothing”. The Bush War is illegal and this must be made clear. The attack on sept 11th was an act of terror not an act of war in international law. There is and was no state of war therefore . Second, no evidence at all of any Afghnan involvement in it, only Saudi Arabia. Therefore to attack this poor country was an abomination. There is no evidence for any Iraqi involvement and the same argument applies. There are courageous books on this subject of the illegality of the Bush war and God bless NELSON MANDELA who has never been higher in my opnion than now, for speaking out and continuing to do so. God bless Africa which produced this world statesman. Czech Republic

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