Letter 2 – Send to Reps Urging Support for HR 473

Here’s the letter to send if your Reps aren’t yet on this list of supporters for HR 473.

September 26, 2002
Your Rep’s name
Complete Address
Fax Number
RE: Yes on HR 473 — No on Public Law 105-235
Dear Representative X:
I am writing in support of HR 473, Rep. Barbara Lee’s resolution to seek
a peaceful solution to the situation in Iraq. I believe that a policy
of deterrence, disarmament, and prevention in the Persian Gulf is the
right thing to do.
I also urge you to vote against President Bush’s proposed
Congressional Resolution (Public Law 105-235). This sweeping expansion
of power would grant the President a blank check for military action in
the Middle East, and I do not believe that this is sound policy.
These are trying times, and I know that there is no simple path to
take. However, I hope that you will choose a path that won’t plunge
our country into war.
Your Name
Your Address
Zip Code Important
Phone number good too!

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