Let The Dems Know You Support Estrada Filibuster

If you haven’t heard about this Estrada guy until know and it doesn’t seem like it could be that important or you would have, please keep reading.
It’s important…Promise 🙂
This just in from Move On.
You can look up your reps to call and thank them (Congressmerge — anyone know of a better lookup service?)
In any case: do it now guys! Thanks!

Responding to thousands of our calls, Democrats have just launched
a filibuster* to prevent the confirmation of Miguel Estrada to
America’s second-highest court. This filibuster is the first sign
of real resistance to extremism in Congress and the White House…
Please call your Senators now, at:
Senator Feinstein (D)
Local Phone: 310-914-7300
DC Phone: 202-224-3841
Senator Boxer (D)
Local Phone: 415-403-0100
DC Phone: 202-224-3553
If your Senator is a Democrat, say:
“Thank you for supporting the filibuster
to block the Estrada nomination.
Please speak out on the Senate floor.”
If your Senator is a Republican, say:
“Please support the filibuster to block
the Estrada nomination.”
A story on the filibuster in today’s New York Times is at:
For more information on Estrada, there’s a good fact sheet at:
* For more information on filibusters, see our recent bulletin at:

Responding to thousands of our calls, Democrats have just launched
a filibuster* to prevent the confirmation of Miguel Estrada to
America’s second-highest court. This filibuster is the first sign
of real resistance to extremism in Congress and the White House.

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