Join Against The California Recall

This just in from my pal
Bobby Lilly

Dear Lisa,
I got a notice from asking me to sign a petition opposing the California Recall. You and I both know it’s a power grab by the Republicans blaming a relatively unpopular governor for stuff HE didn’t do and inflaming the political process just because some of them couldn’t stand to LOSE the last election.
I signed to show my opposition to this misuse of the Recall process which I believe should be used against serious malfeasance by an elected official not just because someone had the money it took and thought they could get away with it.
I hope there are a lot more people out there besides the two of us willing to take the time to oppose this Recall which has become a media circus and just another reason for the rest of the country to dismiss Californians as kooks. People need to be educating themselves about the unreality of the charges against Davis and realize that changing leadership at this point is NOT going to make the economic woes of this state (which are very similar to the problems states all across the country are facing) any better and all of us who believe it is WRONG need to be sure we are registered and get to the polls and VOTE it down.
In the meantime, I’m writing to ask you to join me in signing a “Recall No! Democracy Yes!” pledge to defeat the California recall AND pass it on. Click here to sign:

This is the message Moveon sent to me:
If the recall succeeds, it will set a dangerous precedent for the whole country. A far-right businessman spent 1.7 million dollars to bring us the recall campaign, and has thrown California into chaos. GOP leaders who should have condemned the recall instead cheered it on, hoping they could gain from the unraveling of our democracy. We can’t stand by and let this happen. These attacks on democracy are not a California issue or a Texas issue or a Florida issue — we all must step forward together and make it clear that elections will be honored in this country. This pledge is a national effort to mobilize one million California voters in the recall election. Please sign the pledge no matter where you live and please ask friends and family in California to sign the pledge and to remember to vote October 7.

Thank you.

Lisa’s voting against the recall and for Cruz Bustamante.

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