ITunes List-Sharing App To Be Re-released As Standalone, Open Source Application

From the “we say ‘rip mix burn’ but we don’t really mean it” department.
It’s like Apple saying “when we gave you a telephone connectivity kit, we thought you were only going to call these kinds of people on these kinds of phones — not these other people. Why would you want to use a phone to talk to them? We only wanted you to talk to these kinds of people who are using these kinds of our phones (which we would also like you to buy please).”
“Don’t you see. Although it feels like you’re using your phone to talk to who you want and get the information you need, you’re talking to the wrong people on the wrong kinds of phones (although we also manufacture and distribute the phones you’d like to converse with).”
“Look we have our reasons, ok? So you’d better just give your phone-making kit back! And don’t try anything funny — like making your own phone kit.
We’ll tell you who to talk to and what for from this point on. Got it buddy?”
Here Apple — now you can put this in your pipe and smoke it:

Developer to revive iTunes file-sharing

By Matthew Broersma, Special to CNET

The developer of a peer-to-peer file-sharing plug-in for
Apple Computer’s iTunes music application has decided
to give the software a new lease on life, after it was put
out of commission by the computer maker’s lawyers
earlier this month.
Two weeks ago, Apple ordered developer James Speth
to return his iTunes software developer kit and to stop
distributing the iCommune plug-in for iTunes. The plug-in
allowed iTunes to play or download music from other Macs
via a network or Internet connection, potentially giving
the music player a peer-to-peer feature.
In a recent message sent to iCommune users, Speth
said that he will honor, Apple’s request to stop
distributing his software, but he will build the same
features into a standalone application. The next
version of iCommune will work with iTunes and
potentially other digital music players and will use
Rendezvous, Apple’s implementation of a protocol
for automatic discovery of network-connected devices.
Speth also said that the new version will be open
source under the General Public License, the
same license used by the GNU/Linux operating system.
Open-source software can be freely modified and
redistributed, as long as the modified code is
returned to the community…
Apple itself has publicly demonstrated the use
of Rendezvous to allow iTunes to access other
\playlists across a network, but has given no
indication of when such a version of iTunes
might appear. The current version 3 of the
program shares playlists with other version 3
“iLife” applications, such as iMovie, iDVD and iCal.
ICommune differs from Apple’s concept, however,
in that it enables music downloads. Services such
as Napster, Aimster, Morpheus and Kazaa have
incurred the legal wrath of the music industry for
enabling users to trade song files, which record
companies say has resulted in mass piracy and
declining CD sales.
However, Apple has said that legal fears played
no part in its decision to pull the plug on iCommune.
The proprietary iTunes software developer kit used by
Speth was intended only for making iTunes connect
to hardware devices, not to other Macs, according to Apple.

Here is the full text of the article in case the link goes bad:
Developer to revive iTunes file-sharing
By Matthew Broersma
Special to CNET
January 28, 2003, 11:09 AM PT
The developer of a peer-to-peer file-sharing plug-in for Apple Computer’s
iTunes music application has decided to give the software a new lease on life,
after it was put out of commission by the computer maker’s lawyers earlier this
Two weeks ago, Apple ordered developer James Speth to return his iTunes
software developer kit and to stop distributing the iCommune plug-in for
iTunes. The plug-in allowed iTunes to play or download music from other Macs
via a network or Internet connection, potentially giving the music player a
peer-to-peer feature.
In a recent message sent to iCommune users, Speth said that he will honor
Apple’s request to stop distributing his software, but he will build the same
features into a standalone application. The next version of iCommune will work
with iTunes and potentially other digital music players and will use
Rendezvous, Apple’s implementation of a protocol for automatic discovery of
network-connected devices.
Speth also said that the new version will be open source under the General
Public License, the same license used by the GNU/Linux operating system.
Open-source software can be freely modified and redistributed, as long as the
modified code is returned to the community.
“I’m going to get the basics of the next version done, then get it out the
door, with source. Hopefully, from there it will take on a life of its own and
get even better,” Speth said in the message.
Apple itself has publicly demonstrated the use of Rendezvous to allow iTunes to
access other playlists across a network, but has given no indication of when
such a version of iTunes might appear. The current version 3 of the program
shares playlists with other version 3 “iLife” applications, such as iMovie,
iDVD and iCal.
ICommune differs from Apple’s concept, however, in that it enables music
downloads. Services such as Napster, Aimster, Morpheus and Kazaa have incurred
the legal wrath of the music industry for enabling users to trade song files,
which record companies say has resulted in mass piracy and declining CD sales.
However, Apple has said that legal fears played no part in its decision to pull
the plug on iCommune. The proprietary iTunes software developer kit used by
Speth was intended only for making iTunes connect to hardware devices, not to
other Macs, according to Apple.
ZDNet U.K.’s Matthew Broersma reported from London .

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