INS Roundup Protest Today!

Come down to the protest in San Francisco this morning at 11:00 AM — that’s Monday, December 23, 2002 at 11:00 AM — at the INS building at 444 Washington Street, San Francisco.
Here’s a map to the event
Here’s a gif of that map if the mapquest link above doesn’t work.
444 Washington is sort of in between the Embarcadero and Montgomery St. BART stations (a couple blocks west of market street ).
From Embarcadero BART Go south on Market (away from the Ferry Building) and make a RIGHT on Drumm street. Then make a LEFT on WASHINGTON St. to the INS building at 444 Washington.
From Montgomery St. BART, take Montgomery St. to Washington and make a RIGHT on Washington to 444 Washington.
Otherwise bring $5-$10 to park in a parking garage somewhere.
I will, of course, be filming the event, so if you can’t make it, check back here for footage tomorrow afternoon.

One thought on “INS Roundup Protest Today!

  1. Tanya Kane-Parry

    Do you know about any protests happening in LA? I am horrified by what is happening but have no info about protests in this city.
    Tanya Kane-Parry

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