I’m Back!

So obviously, I’m back to blogging again. I’m actually not done completely with all of my school projects, but I feel good enough about completing them shortly that I’ve decided to treat myself to blogging again.
I can’t tell you how good it feels to be back on the case. I really missed blogging and being part of our little community. Thanks for being patient and hanging around ’till I came back. I can tell you’ve been hanging around because my numbers didn’t go down any the whole time I was gone. (Go figure:)
The first thing I’m going to do is catch up on some old stuff. I’m kinda hanging around with relatives doing the holiday thing, so I should have plenty of time to catch up. I didn’t think I’d have any connectivity over the holidays, but I was wrong!
So anyway, there’s my long winded way of saying that I’m glad to be back, and I love you guys!

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