ILAW 2003 – Day 3 – July 2, 2003 – AM 1 of 2 – How Technology, Law and the Market Affect The Web’s Content Layer

This panel also includes a lot of illegal art so I’ve included it in the appropriate category.
This is a panel featuring Google’s Alex Macgillivray, the Electronic Frontier Foundation‘s Wendy Seltzer and Glenn Otis Brown of the Creative Commons.
Introduction from Larry:

Yesterday, we focused on the physical layer and the logical layer.
Today, we focus on the content layer. The content layer has two radically different types of content built into it:
1) Content of MP3s and film
2) Content of programs and applications
Today we will walk through the scope of technology affecting *this* type of content and the law affecting on *this* type of content and the market on *this* type of content.

Charlie Nesson was the host for the panel.

Charlie’s Content Panel – Part 1 of 4
(Small – 43 MB)

Charlie’s Content Panel – Part 2 of 4
(Small – 39 MB)

Charlie’s Content Panel – Part 3 of 4
(Small – 44 MB)

Charlie’s Content Panel – Part 4 of 4
(Small – 36 MB)
Just a few notes and lots of pictures for this one. This includes excerpts from the Illegal Art film festival and lots of great media clips from all three guests.
Day 3 Tape 1
8:49 – What is P2P with Alex
9:51 – “Democratization of the space”
11:00 – Napster
13:30 – Charlie Nesson as a supernode
20:14 – Fred
Day 3 Tape 2
Cut out part around 13:20 – tech diff
21:45 – Lynne Cheney
25:00 Mention of Howard Dean meetup

2 thoughts on “ILAW 2003 – Day 3 – July 2, 2003 – AM 1 of 2 – How Technology, Law and the Market Affect The Web’s Content Layer

  1. Blog-a-thon

    Free Culture

    If you don’t know about Free Culture by Lawernce Lessig, now you can check it out. To go along with this check out some info on “How Technology, Law and the Market Affect the Web’s Content Layer”. There are 4…

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