ILAW 2003 – Day 1 – June 30, 2003 – AM 2 of 2 – Lawrence Lessig – Regulation In Meatspace and Cyberspace

About these notes and videos — how the files are named, etc.
Here’s Lessig’s own description of the Monday morning sessions:

“The point (of Jonathan’s session) is to layout some framework for the technology. And the objective of this second part of the morning is to lay out the framework about how to think through these questions of regulation in the context of cyberspace by thinking through a little bit about the question of regulation in real space.”

Larry June 30 – Part 1 of 4 (Small – 81 MB)
Larry June 30 – Part 2 of 4 (Small – 81 MB)
Larry June 30 – Part 3 of 4 (Small – 41 MB)
Larry June 30 – Part 4 of 4 (Small – 45 MB)

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